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Everything posted by Bigjake80

  1. Yeah he seem to be the only one that has then at 1/14” but $6 buckle I wanna buy them in bulk
  2. Does anyone know where I can find 1-1/4"Black Square Scissor Snap all I can find is 1" attached a picture for refence Thanks
  3. Rob, Check out Ohio Travel Bag the should have that type of style https://ohiotravelbag.com/collections/artisan-snap-hooks/products/p-2730-nic?variant=30384555229268 Jake
  4. I have used the font SaddleBag from https://www.dafont.com/search.php?q=saddlebag
  5. yeah what they said that one of the hardest thing to do alway like to find out how others paint their and could be doing it different than me
  6. sorry sold mine already
  7. Has this sold????
  8. trying to upgrade to a cobra need to sell mine
  9. still looking for a tippmann boss ive got one for sale let me know Jake 302-462-0187
  10. awesome post thanks for the insite of this great work
  11. hello need some help has anyone had a problem with Eco-Flo acrylic paint, after ive stamped my leather then dye it and then go and paint it so on and so on and after a couple of weeks the paint starts to peal off the leather , i dont know if this is a common problem or im not doing something right or not putting enough finish on my leather to seal it in and im using ,Tan-Kote to finish all my work with any help or input would be great thanks Jake
  12. Find anything just came across your post looking for the same thing
  13. Hey it's nice to see people around this area on here , I'm located in southern delaware near Lewes
  14. first attempt at a dog collar for a friends dog
  15. do you have any oicture on how you attached the paddle to the holster lookinh to make one just like yours but need to see it to help me out
  16. what type of paint do you use on the shields and how do you finish them after ever things done
  17. Got a question for you guys, after u dye the leather what do u use to keep the dye from sweating off on to your shirts when you wear them ?
  18. Hi everyone! I've been leather crafting for less than a year and I'm basically self taught and getting started . I found a few resources here and there, but most has been trial and error. I would appreciate any feedback that I can get. critique away thanks and also to check out what else I have done so goto: www.facebook.com/adamscustomleather and like my page thanks for your time till i can get a real website up and running lol Thanks Jake .
  19. Hello guys and gals Im looking into making belts and stuff but i have a customer that needs a belt but he want just a plane White belt i can make the belt but just need help how to make it white ive looked into dye but i cant find a white dye could anyone out there help me out thanks Jake
  20. do u still have the M&P for sell
  21. Found this Video on you tube it help me out hope it does the same http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4JvhlZqqTQ
  22. Hey just wanted to pass this info on to everyone that Harbor Freight has Arbor Press for a Cheap Price 1/2 ton for 32.99 & 1 Ton for 49.99 http://www.harborfreight.com/catalogsearch/result?category=&q=arbor+press but for the people that have a Google maps on the phone type in Harbor Freight in theres a coupon for 20% OFF Any 1 Item so if you have a local store near you show it when you check out not sure if it works online just thought i would pass the info along but what im going to do is get the rivets dyes from knifekits.com to use with it
  23. Made this over the summer just now getting the pictures up , just want to hear some feed back on how you think it turned out
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