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Everything posted by joquarter

  1. Wow . I never thought of using leather for this kind of stitching. Give me the idea of quilting, awsome.
  2. I have nothing with pistols , but you did a great job.
  3. joquarter

    Photo Frame

    Laminate the photo works great , you can print your photo on 180 g paper , laminate it and it looks like you used very expensive photopaper and cartridges, the color don't fade away by the sun, and no trouble with dust , water ore broken glas.
  4. Yeah , I love roses , you got to look at the leaves , miss something. Looks good for you're second piece.
  5. At my first bag I also used my Dremel to drill the holes, it didn't come out like I wanted to see, so the next thing I bought was an awl. Need to buy a groover , as long as I don't have one , make a line with a definer and give it a light cut with my swiffel knife. You also missed some stitches at the corners. You're carving is great , love the design.
  6. The same question : First? Great job, looks fantastic.
  7. I use the same cutting mat as abn , works great.
  8. joquarter

    Hello All

    Hi Klonix , good to have an other european here . Wish you a lot of fun on the Oktoberfest. Looking forward on pics of your first sheath.
  9. Looks good, You give me some good idea's for home-deco stuff.
  10. It sounds great . You translate her wishes very well , maybe silver as background fits better to the roses? Maybe it's possible to stich ore lace with the same color as the background ore use pink?
  11. Wanted to buy a lace maker, but give this a try before I do. Thanks for the great idea.
  12. Great album , love your design , give me a lot of inspiration.
  13. Great chaps , I guess your son is very happy with his dad.
  14. Love your design , but miss something on the edges of the leaves.
  15. Welcome , looking forward to see more of your work .
  16. A little bit late that I saw it . Tanks .

  17. That's a great headstall , love the color combination.
  18. Here a pic of it almost ready , painted it mahony , carved the old fender , and gave it the same color.
  19. The last leather I bought in Belgium , was half of a hide vegtan leather , don't know in oz but its 4mm. Very fine leather to carve , payed € 60 for it. At Boomsma, bought two straps of dorset vegtan leather for making new stirrups 5mm × 60mm×1500mm , huge leather. My 21 years old saddle is happy with it ,
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