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Everything posted by joquarter

  1. Wish I knew this a little bit earlier, would be much easier for the pattern I made last month ( still carving on it) I printed a photo , took a peace of tracing paper and was 3days busy to get it as I wanted , but still not exactly what I espected from it. Next time, I start behind the pc.
  2. Very nice watch-straps, something wich is still on my list to do.
  3. Welcome Sergio . You did a nice job with your carving and I love your bag. http://www.dierenhuiden.be/index.php?action=home〈=NL Here you have an adres in Belgium where you can order nearly all the tandy stuff online ore give them a call. No problems with import tax , cause you order in the EEG.
  4. Great idea , they getting better every time. Give me inspiration for some Christmas presents.
  5. You will not know , how bad my first carving peace was , and as I see all the nice work from everybody here , I know I need a lot more to practice. But still love to carve and I was very happy with my first real project. Wich took me weeks to finish it. So keep on carving , looking forward on your next peace.
  6. I don't know how they attached on your saddle, but on my old saddle , had to pull one side of the string true the hole in the other string twice , than could pull of the concho after removing a nail . The string was nailed through the leather in the tree , took the nail of and could remove the string. It's not so difficult if you look very well how everything fits and remove the nails carfully.
  7. Love your chaps, and welcome. Sounds great for a dutchie , to hear about your farm. I live at the country , just have 3 horses, a dog and a few cat's . My nabours have meat bulls, think about 400. Here the farmers don't use horses , most of them even don't like horses.
  8. Congratulations , you earned it . Great job. Love the different styles you use . A case to be proud of.
  9. I love the buckels, but shouldn't use this kind on a headstall. Also the place you put them , so close to the eye of your horse. Maybe you can better use a bridle buckle on that place and a concho with a screw a little bit higher.
  10. Like your frame. The color fit's great with the photo .
  11. Love your design . Thanks for sharing it with us . The first and only purse I made , came out the book , how to carve leather and gave me a lot to think about how to improve the pattern. This helps a lot. to make things easier and give me the currage to make a new purse.
  12. Love the blue. I'm sure your son will be happy with it.
  13. Tnx . The wallet with the antilope was my first one , made it for a guy in the nabourhood who give me a lot of hay for my horses. He is an a member of the shooter association where we shoot with air rifles. And helps with the hunters. first wanted to make a roo-deer, but couldn't find a pic of it . Anyway he's very happy with it.
  14. Crazy idea , but I like it . Just something wich people at a fantasyfair love to wear.
  15. joquarter

    Picture Frame

    Wauw , really like that one to. Think you have a good bussiness idea.
  16. The first billfold I made. the second the last one , finished a few weeks ago
  17. The one with the roses is my favorite . Nice work.
  18. joquarter

    Picture Frame

    'Keep on carving horses , great idea . Maybe a little more background? Did you skive the edges?
  19. Again a beautiful design , love your work.
  20. Love the trike and offcourse your seat , make it special.
  21. Cool! funny and crazy at the same time.
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