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Everything posted by wayner

  1. LatigoAmigo sorry I spelled your name wrong in the post above . I fat fingered the Keyboard .
  2. LatinoAmigo my apologies to you Sir and to the Forum . My button was pushed by someone who wasn't worth me wasting my time. It just amazes me how people want to complain about someone complaining, it's a vicious circle . So if you feel the need to attack me over my spelling , or my grammar by all means knock yourself out if it helps you sleep at night.
  4. mikesc Buddy if your calling me JLS's Disciple you are sadly mistaken . here in America we have what ius called FREEDOM of Speech! and you are right you are not a Moderator , this Thread had all but Died down until you stirred the pot again. I do have a question for you. Does it make you feel like a Big man to use Profanity in your Comment. Have a Nice Life
  5. Thanks for the Information Tugadude about becoming a contributing member i knew i saw it somewhere before but couldnt find it.
  6. Can someone please advise me as to where the group Rules are posted for this Forum. I have Searched and not been able to find them. Also how do you become a contributing member? I cant seem to find that ether. Thanks in Advance
  7. This thread cracks me up you have people complaining about someone complaining about vendors, or other things . You have members using profanity in there posts . But hey as long as your part of the click who cares right? I thought we were all adults here !
  8. Hey JLS Didnt you use to be a Contributing member? Maybe you should Donate money to the Group again and you wont be THREATENED. I wonder what level you have to Donate to have some Moderators in your Pocket. it might be a good investment to make
  9. wow ok so if im understanding this thread now SLC only sells the Lower grade Leather! and its not ok to complain about a company that openly admitted they sent out a bad piece of Leather and they are going to replace it because they Donate MONEY to the Group . And you guys want to Badmouth a Member of the Group who if memory serves me right use to also Donate Money. One thing is for sure you people pick your Doctors better than your suppliers or you would be Dead by now. Thats ok Doc. you screwed up on my Heart surgery but as long as we can find a solution we will be good!!!
  10. Ok I know I'm going to make some people mad here but I really don't give a rats A$$. A certain individual made a comment about why do we have to hear about a complaint from a member about a Vender. Well when you have 30 people that follow you on this site I would say people value your opinion. When you have 2 Followers not so much ! And yes I know I don't post a lot and there's a reason for that.
  11. Why are people such Dicks here . I bought a 2 year old machine and saved ( Cowboy 3200 and saved over Half ) if I was only saving $300.00 or $400.00 and the Seller was a Jerk I would Buy Brand New that way you know it's good and Sharp . I don't know if the warranty transfers or not.
  12. Why not, inquiring minds want to know
  13. You know Sofaspud I printed every free Holster pattern Jls had on his site . Now I'm no computer expert but if a fella were to reach out to me by private message and he wasn't a @&& hat I would probably scan the pattern and send it so him. Just as one of the members has helped me more time than he knows . And he has never once judged or tried to sell a agenda.
  14. Hey Jeff if your wading through Democrats I hope your wearing hip waders? You wouldn't want to ruin your clothes or shoes
  15. You're such a perfectionist. Lol
  16. For the love of God why would someone comment to to call someone a Dick. You know this site is about Leather Craft not being a child. You don't have to comment on every post.
  17. wayner


    Looking good. Someone might just think you know what your doing
  18. i must be Blind i cant find it on there site
  19. Jeff There $0.29 a piece if you buy them in lots of 100. If you buy a package of 12 there $ 11.88
  20. Those patterns from JLS Leather are great . They fit like a glove.
  21. i usually sit back and just read the posts but coming from a Maintenance background i dont think the Bearings would make that much of a difference in this application.
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