Thank you everyone for your candid responses. I had some of the same thoughts, except about the bleeding cowboy font (I'll ponder that one)
Just to clarify a couple things: The blue background you are seeing behind the image won't exist, the file is layered and you will only see the actual logo, a lot of the script you are seeing on the faux leather is actually the watermark from the artist that did the designs once I decide on one, that comes off. So the image may seem a little busier than it should right now.
I had a lot of the same thoughts on legibilty and printability. My delima is that a friend is doing this gratis for me ( actually we're trading services) and I had already requested the font and several other changes. I don't want to overstep my bounds on the favor. I may go with what we have for now and make some alterations later when I can afford to pay for them.
Andy- we originaly looked at using a maltese cross but avoided it due to it's overuse in the fire community, much like I am seeing about bleeding cowboy now. I am in favor of the helmet shield as it is readily recognizable in the firefighting community much like the maltese but without falling into the realm of being cliche. at least I am hoping so..... Thanks for the advice!