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Everything posted by FHL FERG

  1. Dude, that looks great. the detail in the tooling of the motor looks great, especially at that scale. And the red thread sets it off.
  2. Sweet ass bike. When are we gonna see it in The Horse Backstreet Choppers rag?
  3. And then I read your last post, so it sounds like you made the right choice. Hunching over is what has been killing me too. I'm building mine out of cedar and hand scraping it to smooth and level the top as well as give it some character. fingers crossed that I didn't waste all that money on cedar......
  4. I am in the process of building a new bench right now. I decided to go 48" so I can use it standing or sitting on an adjustable drafting chair. I'm 6'1" and this puts my elbows at a nuetral 90degrees sitting or standing.Good luck and go a little taller with it, if ti's too tall you can always trim a little off the legs.....
  5. Thanks, I had the same problem with sewing machine outlet. I will try the others and see what I come up with. "Because that's how we do it down here at Ashley Schaffer BMW!!!!"
  6. Looks dam good dude. Your lace work is super clean and consistent.
  7. Pounding Hide.....

    1. chancey77



    2. ironhead13


      Are/where we talking about leather...?? ;)

    3. ironhead13


      Are/where we talking about leather...?? ;)

  8. It was disassembled to be moved. I reassembled and started sewing. When I said "adjusting" things it should have been assembling and threading. It is threaded correctly according to steve's video that came with it and the bobbin is correct. I was thinking it may be the needle or a thread tension adjustment.
  9. tried that, but nothing that I was looking for. Thats why I'm here asking people that do it and like to share the knowledge, but thank you just the same.
  10. I have what I was hunting for. Thank You Everyone!
  11. Just finished tooling my first piece of Herman Oak yesterday and I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground! The image is so crisp, its like going from regular tv to HD
  12. Simple design, great finish. I like it! I also really dig that the swoop of the opening up to the point mimics the top edge of the knife, GREAT DETAIL!
  13. Just picked up a cobra class 4 sewing machine. Looking for advice/tips/tricks etc. for sewing up a seat on the machine. Everything I have ever done has been laced to this point. Any advice and/or guidance is greatly apprecaited and humbly accepted. Thanks in advance, Ferg
  14. Stuck at work with leather on the brain!

  15. Hello all, I have a "new to me" cobra class 4. It is amazing to work with! I have been adjusting things and trying to get it all dialed in. I have noticed it occasionally skips a stitch. Since I am new to machine sewing I'm not sure whats wrong. Is it me trying to move too fast? Does the machine need a timing adjustment? or maybe the thread needs a tension adjustment? Thnaks Ferg
  16. Ya, they were one of the first place I looked. they had it in 207 and smaller.
  17. Looking for bonded nylon thread in red. But here's the kicker, I need it in sizes 277 and 346. I can't find it other than having to order a case at a time.
  18. Stoked to go pick up my new to me cobra class 4 in the morning....

  19. Capable Leather Products - a lot of design options with the initials clp to brand it Handi Leather- sounds to much like Tandy Leather though. But like Sylvia said, determine the target market and build around that.
  20. P.S. I'm on the hunt for a font.....
  21. Thank you everyone for your candid responses. I had some of the same thoughts, except about the bleeding cowboy font (I'll ponder that one) Just to clarify a couple things: The blue background you are seeing behind the image won't exist, the file is layered and you will only see the actual logo, a lot of the script you are seeing on the faux leather is actually the watermark from the artist that did the designs once I decide on one, that comes off. So the image may seem a little busier than it should right now. I had a lot of the same thoughts on legibilty and printability. My delima is that a friend is doing this gratis for me ( actually we're trading services) and I had already requested the font and several other changes. I don't want to overstep my bounds on the favor. I may go with what we have for now and make some alterations later when I can afford to pay for them. Andy- we originaly looked at using a maltese cross but avoided it due to it's overuse in the fire community, much like I am seeing about bleeding cowboy now. I am in favor of the helmet shield as it is readily recognizable in the firefighting community much like the maltese but without falling into the realm of being cliche. at least I am hoping so..... Thanks for the advice! THANKS AGAIN! Ferg
  22. Need help deciding on a logo design. Check out my post in the marketing and advertising forum, vote and give me some feedback....

  23. Trying to decide on a new logo. Let me know your favorite and I am very open to any feedback or suggestions for tweaks and changes
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