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Everything posted by whinewine

  1. Tina: loved the pattern! Thank you so much. russ
  2. A suggestion is to check with the local Catholic & Lutheran churches in your area (specifically, those who catered to the German immigrants). Immigrants tended to settle in certain enclaves, among their own kind. Mostly their kids learned English, the old folks either learned English & kept their German languages, speaking & knowing both or didn't, simply speaking only German. Thus you had German neighborhoods & churches with predominately German congregations, Polish neighborhoods & Polish churches, Irish & Irish Churches, etc. If you can locate the German churches, there are a few old German members still alive who can translate the letters for you. Another suggestion is to contact the local college & speak to those in the German department (also, perhaps the High School- but I would bet those teachers wouldn't have a clue about the old script...) Hope this helps. russ
  3. I believe there was a post on this site, a while back... it concerned filling the boots/shoes with WARM, not hot water. After the shoes/boots were thoroghly wet, dump out & wear them until they were form-fit & reasonably dry, then condition. But I can't find the original post either. If anyone finds it, please let us know or re-post. I've got a pair of boots that need to be fit this way. Thanks. russ
  4. Perhaps we should follow the lead of what happens frequently in China to those who severely embarass the government: arrest them try them if convicted, execute them all within two months. No further appeals. End of a lot (not all, but a lot) of greediness by those with entitlement issues.
  5. I believe I have seen a craftool 3-D stamp of a spider, but I don't know if it is still made. russ
  6. And, BTW, what stands out for me about Biden after all these years, is his plagerism. Needless to say, I'm nowhere a Biden fan, either (I detest those who try to credit others' words as their own= Plagerist! ). So trust me, I'm not picking on poor Sarah. It's simply: she's stupid she's clueless she's ruthlessly ambitious and that combination makes for one scary individual if put in a major position of power. I'm no fan of the candidates of either party, but I WILL vote!
  7. Palin just out-and-out scares me. When she makes a statement like "the PALIN-Mccain ticket" I'm thinking to myself 'John, if you get elected, you'd better hire yourself your own personal food taster, just in case.' She's dumb she's clueless but she's ruthlessly ambitious, and in a position of power that combination makes her one scary person.
  8. The new catalogue is out, I picked one up yesterday. Some new border tool sets (wicker, circle, triangle & other stamps), other new stuff (haven't sat down & looked at the catalogue fully yet- rearranging furniture today, did carved kilt belt for myself yesterday...). One major difference is: NO PRICES ARE LISTED! Which means: 1) pay whatever you think it's worth (not likely...) 2) Tandy doesn't know what the wholesale price will be next week, much less at the end of 2009 (more likely) or 3) They can & will definitely raise the prices because of #2 above (most likely).
  9. Rick: Ellis Barnes' Hackbarth basic set of tools is featured on Siegel's 'friday special' (for which you need to sign up). If you call Siegel's toll free #, they'll gladly sell you a set. And since it's over $75, it's free shipping, also. russ
  10. OK!!! Through trial & error, I discovered that P-22 staples will work perfectly in the S-100 Neva-Clog. They come in 1/4" (6mm) & 5/16" (8mm) sizes. So there is no need to bid your life away on ebay anymore for them. Now, if I can find the equivalent for the D-30 stapler...
  11. JOhan: I've bought from Springfield and their prices are better than tandy's by a long shot. I think Springfield sells theirs in 50 yard spools, while Tandy only carries 25 yd spools. I think Springfield sells the most kanga leather in the US right now. I haven't bought from David Morgan yet, so I can't comment on them. russ
  12. I just picked up an S-100 Neva Clog stapler. We used to use them at tandy's to make belt keepers. Does anyone know what equivalent staples currently (and more importantly, EASILY) available will work in it? It recommends A-1000 or L-1000 staples. I have tried Bostich B-8 (1/4" 6mm crown staples) & they seem to work, but they must be specially ordered so I am looking for ones that I don't have to send away for, btw. Thanks. russ
  13. I think Brettuns Village did have them occasionally. I know they sell horsehide that they term 'north of cordovan' which isn't true cordovan shell, but from the area above, or 'north of' the actual cordovan. russ
  14. In the tandy kits, anyway, there was a special 'tri bolt' that was used to fasten the legs together. People have made their own with 3 eyebolts, either bolted together, or welded together. Only problem is that the hole position in each leg is drilled to a different height; therefore, you cannot interchange the legs. russ
  15. Basically, it's part of what you see in the horse trailers going down the road (once I saw a sign on the back of a horse trailer that said: "Don't be what you're looking at").
  16. specifically, a certain part of the horse (the hindquarters, I believe, if I'm not mistaken) russ
  17. Jeff: I like your display! However, I have a question: how are the barrettes held on to the vertical strips? (normally, one uses sticks, but I see no sticks- it looks like snaps or rivets or spots on the ends instead of holes for the sticks)
  18. Mountanieer Stout ale (not in PA yet, gotta drive to WV to get it). Got the start of a cold. Before bed, I'll drink some blackberry wine. Hopefully, I'll sleep all night tonight...
  19. Marlon, I haven't seen those in years. Tandy used to sell them. You might try Springfield leather, they sometimes can get odd stuff that no one else has. Or you can ask the local tandy manager if he can search the store web for stuff that is stashed away somewhere... Good luck. I wouldn't mind picking up 3 or 4 myself. russ
  20. Congratulations, Clay: fantastic work, as always!!! russ
  21. whinewine

    1/2oz leather

    Springfield leather sells black inserts. They're simple insides, and they ONLY sell them in black. russ
  22. A problem could be that the stingray hide is composed of very small calcium or bone 'bumps' on the leather matrix and a sewing machine needle hitting these bumps could dull/bend/break.[ Just my speculation] I have laced SR by using lacing punches, but I have never tried to sew it, either by hand or by machine (including my Boss). You brought up a good, point, Pete: Guys, just how is this done? russ
  23. Thank you all. I applied another coat, this time with a scrap of sheep wool, to even things out. So far, everything looks to be about the same color now. We'll see tomorrow. Then I'll let the pieces out in the sun to help evaporate the oil (maybe for several days, just to make sure, before I apply the neatlac?). russ
  24. I'm trying to do a true sheridan brown finish on parts for a purse. I know the steps are: 1] neatsfoot oil 2] neatlac as a resist 3] antique 4] tankote, bagkote or supershene I applied a light, uniform coat of neatsfoot oil (the pure stuff, not the compound) on both sides with a foam brush & left the parts to dry overnight. This morning, the parts are all splotchy, as though not all the oil has dried or dried properly. A] Is this normal? B] If not, how can I correct this? C] Or will it really matter in the final stages??? D] What color of antique is generally used? I have never liked neatsfoot oil & so this is my very first attempt at a genuine sheridan brown finish. russ
  25. Brad: Unfortunately, the harness needles with the big eyes break very easily (other than the inexpensive steel, the metal in the eye area is so thin that there is so little strength= therefore, bending & breakage...). I buy the needles by the hundred, rather than per 10. It's cheaper & better that way. Glovers needles, on the other hand, (the sharp, 3-corner ones) have the small eyes & will outlast the harness needles a thousand to one. I still have some from the '70s. I buy those in packs of 25. What you may want to try are similar needles, but with the small eyes (I think, but I'm not exactly sure, that they're called 'tapestry needles'- a good sewing shop should carry them in different sizes). They do have sharp points, but they're easy to make dull. BTW, 'pot metal' is the metal that used to be used for hood ornaments, window-winding handles & car logos on '40s. '50s & '60s automobiles (maybe later). Also known as 'white metal'.
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