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Everything posted by Roger

  1. hey dave.. have you thought about using an oval punch instead of round?
  2. all looks good to me! one of these days i need to take the time to make myself a belt:)
  3. WELCOME KEN! no reason to think you wouldn't be
  4. just got a pic of this bike. i posted the seat a few weeks back
  5. thanks don this guy wanted black and there was no talking him out of it
  6. thanks! it was slow posting and for some reason did not show up till i posted a second time thanks russ
  7. i couldn't talk him out of black so, here it is.
  8. not including the artwork. most of my seats are completed in 10 to 15 hours. i have done smaller solo seats with a simple design in 8 hours
  9. depends on lots of factors. i work a full time job and have a three year old son to chase around. i generally start around seven and work till i finish up what i'm doing so if it's tooling or lacing or getting the cover installed. it gets done before i turn in for the night. sometimes it's between 12 and 1am. i try to complete a seat a week and start another. if they are smaller seats, i can complete two and start a third. i am a bit bummed at the moment as i have been busy for months and now i have caught up. i have a seat to finish this week and a couple small bags for next week and nothing coming in after that. in a pinch i can turn a seat around in a weekend. i think i have done around 75 seats in the last three years stinks cause i really depend on the income just to make the bills
  10. you have really been busy dave! i bet you can't wait to get going on the one of a kind stuff are they going to be on the same pan or something different?
  11. not sure of the correct tems but as the major said the center piece is the "plug" and should be made from leather. the top layer 1-2oz and soft so that it will contour easily to the plug
  12. i don't see any signs of caving or tooling. it looks like the design is cut to shape and sandwiched between the top and bottom.
  13. are you sure that is not laminated? kinda looks something that would be made from three pieces of leather
  14. here are a few bikes with my seats. i should save more but, have been a bit lax with keeping up with it.
  15. grem does some impressive basket weave lacing
  16. thanks don! they can be quite a challenge even after doing as many as i have but they can sure be fun and rewarding!
  17. thanks johanna! many things determine what ends up on a seat. i always ask for input as to what they would like. some have artwork or a design if they want something like flames or the torn open seat i did with the skulls i work from pics of the bike so that i can try to match what is already there. i try to guide the customer on what i think will look good and what sort of colors. the biggest thing i try to do is discorage a black seat. evreyone is used to a seat being black but, it blends into the bike instead of standing out and you know what black does for tooling. i have one i'm working on now that i need to try to steer the guy away from black. basically i have them give me a direction and i come up with something. i rairly get to see the bike in person. i do get pics now and then. i attend one show a year and will get to see some of my work in person. the artwork on this seat was provided by the customer. i'll have to see if i can dig up a couple pics of seats on bikes
  18. nothing to add on redhide. just wanted to welcome you to the forum gremlin. glad o see ya here!
  19. not bad at all. it has a couple rough spots but, well done for a first. there are so many different shapes that there are constant challenges
  20. thanks kate! i find the simpler the seat, the more it takes to make it look good. design possiblities are endless yes, i use that mark as my maker's mark
  21. not too fancy. i talked him into letting me stich it for a change of pace. this is my second attempt at saddle stitching. it sat in the sun today to darken it up a bit
  22. that's a good start on how too go about it. if you have any specific questions, i may be able to help
  23. HEY! good to see you here Ashley! the seat business is great! i have been backed up for months with orders. i finally broke down and got myself a couple barry king swivel knifes and a set of bevelers. what a difference!
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