So... I am working on a custom order Journal cover (my first from doing the Torquay market!) for this lady, whom I know is a little fussy by the way she was unhappy with an 'uneven' dye finish on my ready made for market cover (actually I had deliberately been going for a water ripple dye affect as its got a dragonfly print on the front).
I had got the dye even and the inner lining and sleeves in glued in place, trimmed, put my makers mark on and was just getting ready to transfer the print when I realised I had put my mark on upside down! (well on the front rather than the back, so upside down when the journal is the right way round)
BAH!!!!! time to start over.. and its supposed to be finished this weekend!
its not a total loss, I think I will try incorporating the makers mark into a border on the front and do a different print to add to my collection I have for sale at the market. So very glad I got time to make it into lefflers leather this week to buy a new hide though..