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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. I bought a sheet of 1"x24"x48" High-Density Polyethylene(HDPE) cutting pad from Campbell-Bosworth a few years ago. It's held up great! I think it's teh same thing that people use for clicker pads. At the time mine cost about $80. Art http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/catalog/p...products_id/444 Here are some other places to buy from. http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/product.a...roduct_id=25020 http://thecuttingboardfactory.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?
  2. Boy, I thought I was alone in not like the choices. I thought I should stay out of this topic but I can't. Each election the choices get worse. I guess as I get older it also becomes clearer that it really makes no difference. They all sit down to dinner together afterwards and have a good laugh at our expense. The rich people and big companies (and I mean filthy rich) run this country and run the world. We are not a part of it nor have any say in it. We barely have a peek into their world enough to fully understand it. Whoever is in power will answer to the money - period. If you're not filthy rich your plight will get worse - we can count on that. This site is a good example of how real people around the world do get along. It's our politicians that drawn lines in the sand. They make their choices, not what is best for the people, but what is best for big business. That is the same no matter what type of government that you have. I believe we're heading into some really, really bad times, that those of us alive have never seen yet. Again, the common people will be the ones that suffer. The world is in a sad state today and it is because of the greed of individuals, companies and governments. People care more about themselves and nothing for others. I have no problem with someone being rich - I would love to be cursed by it myself, but with it comes responsibilities and a sense of humanity which you should always have. That's why we have huge companies going broke and people loose their life savings while the top executives drift off into excessive luxury. Governments don't attack other countries to help people (no matter what they may say) the underlying cause is always money. Politicians have talked for years about how they will help us with the medical situation. People have to decide on buying food or buying the medicine that they need. During this whole time the politicians argue over pennies while they, after even spending only one term in office, are set for life with the best medical plan that you can get, for free. Well I say free, we're paying for it. Sorry to go on so. To me we're in a sad state of affairs and lack good choices. I'll vote for the better of the two evils. For me, so far, it's still McCain. At least his wife is in the right business -beer! Maybe I'll write in the name of the only person I always agree with - me. Art
  3. Tom it looks great! That's also a very good picture of it. Art
  4. LOL Tom, I told my wife "gee this tank looks more like a mine." I guess I was right. One day we'll sit down and have a sip. Felix looks like he could go through a brick wall. Great looking horse. What kind is he? Good looking cart too. I can't wait to see another picture of that Harley in the spring. It's beggin' for customer leather! Art
  5. I bet the fish taste good out of that river. What are you catching? Art
  6. Take some pictures for us Marlon! I wish I could go. Art
  7. That really looks good. I would love to make my own jacket some day. Is it very hard to put a lining in one? Art
  8. No, don't sell it! When you get one that nice you have to keep it. My buddy's had the muffler pipes coming our of two holes in the panel under the bumper. It came from the factory like that and I always thought that was cool looking. Art
  9. I expected Lederhosen Don - not Deadwood. My brother and I both had a pair of lederhosen when we were young. You can't ear those out! Art
  10. Nice shop Ian. Really clean! Cool seat too. Art
  11. Good lookin' happy family! My best buddy had a Mustang almost just like that in high school. I loved it. His was a 1966 so that is my guess. I like that color too. His was pretty rusty though. The only part of the trunk not rusted out was under the spare tire - barely. One side of the back seat floor only had carpet - no steel under it. LOL Art
  12. Hey Tom was that second picture taken before or after you empties that big round tank! Art
  13. I like the hat and the shirt Clay! I just got a new cowboy shirt for my birthday. Black with tan piping on it. It's gonna go good with my black Stetson. Art
  14. Great looking bike Froghunter. Your friend looks scared though! I noticed there isn't a home made tank bib on that bike yet. Art
  15. The Bird looks great Jeffzilla. I bet it sounds as good as it looks.ArtCool katana and jacket 8thsinner. Did you make the jacket? That katana looks long.Art
  16. What is that twofour878? Is that used to catch the spent shells? Looks wicked. Nothing like a good campfire. Art
  17. You certainly don't disappoint! Both you and your alter ego look great Leatheroo! Art
  18. Thought I's add some of my family too. A couple of my wife and I. One of my eldest son performing with his band. One of my youngest son dressed for his part as Mottel the taylor in "Fiddler on the Roof" performed at college. This is really interesting to me. It's amazing how we all can come together from all ends of the earth, from all different lives and backgrounds, to enjoy leather working, share our thoughts, knowledge and opinions. Bless you all! Art
  19. Wow! Great job. Lots of sewing. Great design. Art
  20. Great work folks! I'm proud to see work from people I know from here! Art
  21. Thanks everyone for the advice and help. The Major took care of me as far as the bit and now I'm going to make myself a holster for my Makarov .380. So I'm going to try it out and also a new design for the thumb break. Well not a new design - just new for me but old for the Ross Company. I'll post it when finished. Thanks, Art
  22. I had a pair of store bought that I liked and someone sent me a pattern that was close to it.
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