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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. I think it's just the stirrups straps riveted to the fenders and not to the back straps. Otherwise the straps wouldn't be adjustable. Art
  2. I bought several of these trees a while back off ebay. I want to use one to make and mount a saddle on my mailbox. Art
  3. That looks great! Comfortable too. Art
  4. Thanks Barra. That is the type of man I would love to just sit with, watch and listen to. Too few people like that in America any longer. Thanks again, Art
  5. Thanks! A superb tutorial! I really appreciate it. Art
  6. Isn't what Weavers sells Herman Oak Leather? I love Wicket & Craig also Siegels. Art
  7. ArtS


    That is outstanding! Art
  8. I went to one of Chan's in April. It was great and he's a great teacher. Tell him Art said hi! Art
  9. Hot! A real hunk , a-hunk, a burning leather! Art
  10. Nice job! Much much better than my first belt! Art
  11. Looks great. What do you use to sew this with? Art
  12. Looks good Brad. What did he think? Art
  13. I often have old westerns on while I work. Lots of Roy rogers and Clint Eastwood. One of my favorite scenes is from Cat Ballou. This one; Art
  14. That looks really good. Where did you get that lining? Art
  15. That's really great lookin' Darryl. Good clean job too! Art
  16. Yawl cleaned up at that show!! Fantastic! She looks great. What kind of paint do you use for that? You should be PROUD!!! I am proud for you. LOL Art
  17. I can't wait to someday get to go through the store. I can pretend I'm in Roy's tack room! Art
  18. Looks great! I can't wait to see the finished product. Art
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