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Everything posted by Blackie

  1. Did this guy contact either of you guys?
  2. EBay - leatherhut7138
  3. What types of products are you making? Accessories for those figurines, or larger scale items? I'm interested but I would need more information, AC is a two hour ride for me. Thanks, Keith
  4. Wouldn't you want your top piece smaller? I tried in another post to get answers on this and a couple of people said my top piece was too big, and I should subtract the thickness of the leather from the original circumference.
  5. Very very nice mike! How do you calculate your measurements for the pieces? The seat I just finished came out a little wrinkly at the end of lacing.
  6. Please draw the solution, I'm lost! Creepy? Ya think? Its a bar stool for a biker, so creepy works well!
  7. I made both top and bottom the same, bottom came out smooth, but not top, I think it has to do with the added padding, but I'm not sure why. My side piece was cut to the exact measurement of the circumference.
  8. I got wrinkles on the last bit of lacing, seat turned out great until the last ten holes! All holes were equal. What gives? https://db.tt/8FrJpa16 https://db.tt/8FrJpa16 https://db.tt/xKHRq9Dx
  9. https://db.tt/Gpyz1wk2
  10. Look up the Leather hut in Brooklyn, they sell some decent hides, no veg tan though. As far as tools go I haven't a clue. I'm only 45 mins from CS Osborne in Harrison NJ and I still pay$ 30 in shipping!! Figure that out.
  11. Your work is absolutely gorgeous no matter rookie or not, its the meaning that counts. At a time like that no one should judge any imperfections of your work. In my honest opinion it looks great, and i would pay top dollar . My condolences, Keith
  12. How far west in Jersey, I'm near Trenton and i love the idea. I haven't seen too many people from our area on this site. Hopefully this will attract more!
  13. Add me to please.
  14. Could you pm me as well im interested! Thanks, Keith
  15. Beautiful work cozee! I hope HF is giving you a piece, im sold!
  16. Check ebay, there are a lot of stores with printed hides, i use leatherhut in Brooklyn because im close to it. I search leather hides or veg tan then save all the sellers who sell what i like. Im sure most will custom color your leather.
  17. I think you mean boiled linseed oil, there's another post on here somewhere about a waterproofing paste with beeswax, turpentine, and boiled linseed oil. Search YouTube for waterproofer there's also a video.
  18. I used the same skull design on my stool for the garage, pretty wicked huh!
  19. Beautiful piece, devils fan huh? Let me know if you ever open a shop in Jersey!
  20. A couple light coats of olive oil is what I prefer on veg tan leather, as for the edges what exactly do you mean by sealing. Check out the pinned article on finishing edges.
  21. IT WORKS!!
  22. Beaverslayer, thanks but I'm not a Facebook kinda guy. Spincycle, looks like im getting a photobucket acct. I have already tried this with flickr , just opened that acct yesterday but it didnt work. Thanks all!
  23. Thanks guys, damn technology!
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