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Everything posted by robertmeco

  1. Welcome to the forum, thank you for your service. What part of Texas are you in ,I am in San Antonio.
  2. I sent you another e mail hope you receive this one
  3. I have not herd from Nowornever 3/13/14 guess this is just another one of those lol
  4. Dwight Have you herd from this guy just wondering
  5. How big is the project I am south of San Antonio Robert www.mecopocketholsters.com
  6. Welcome to the forum looks like you have a good handle on leather work Take care Robert www.mecopocketholsters.com
  7. So glad you are still here keep up the good work
  8. The Cobra 4 with E.P.S. I have one of these and it has made my holster making much easier
  9. Not bad how is the retention the pocket holster needs to have retention. Where did you get the idea for this type holster. Robert www.mecopocketholsters.com
  10. Welcome to the forum glad to have you join us
  11. Hey Tex how do i get in touch with you I would like to see some pics of this clicker please Thank you Robert
  12. Try a latherworkers hammer dampen the leather and tap it flat see if that dont help
  13. Welcome to the forum from another Texas I am just down the road in San Antonio also there is a member close to you Mike S lives closer give him a holler
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