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Everything posted by Dink

  1. Need extra help or machines, I am willing to commit 24 hours per week in my shop to do your work, over 12 years experience in a leather shop and have 4 different size sewing machines, clicker, splitters, strap cutters, foot setters, and custom clicker die building capabilities. Can do custom work for you. I work full time now and commit about 40 hours a week in my leather shop also. I am looking to cut this down to stay in my leather shop full time. and commit three days to outside work and maintain my business with the additional two work days and weekends. Let me know if this may be a condition that could help you out.
  2. PRO Dies 720-341-3259
  3. I custom click these things, I just opened a face book store where I have some nose bands and spur straps available now and will continue to add other things. The Store is on facebook at Pro Rodeo Originals, chaps and leather but it has to be viewed from a PC will not yet work on mobil devices but we are working on it. If that doe not work you can give us a call at 303-660-1332 and I can email pictures
  4. you can see some of the dies at www.prorodeooriginals.com
  5. Chris at Pro Dies can make you nice dies and can also offer custom clicking them for you 720-341-3259
  6. I am not as computer organized, I have a pretty detailed order blank that has room for alot of note taking and customer information. I fill out the detail work on them and keep it on a clip board by the bench. Then I take the basics of the order and put it on a white board. this way I have a running list of orders in the order they came easily visible. then as I proceed and need more info I can just grab the clip board. As orders are completed I then just file them in a binder
  7. Lauren where are you located? maybe you could find someone in your area to help you get started
  8. I can swutch back over to a thick veg tan breast collar and stitch without a problem
  9. Sorry I am no help but have experienced the same thing, and tried everything you mentioned. I am wondering about using extra thread lube to see if that works. How thick are you sewing? I am sewing three pieces of about 12oz.
  10. I had to one one of these for sweden and the shipper (Fedex) was able to supply the form for me
  11. That is really nice, I should have you make me one. what did you use for the flower centers? Dink
  12. Make sure the hand wheel is tight and the shaft is not just spinning inside it. This happened to me
  13. Go to Walmart and in in the camping area and try the blue 1/2" foam mats for sleeping on it works in chaps and chin guards as well.
  14. Thank You everyone
  15. Here is two pair of chaps I did for miss Rodeo America and Miss Rodeo Colorado. They were both great to work with and were very involved in their designs. Thanks Chenae and Sarah
  16. very nice, halters sure take more leather than a person first expects.
  17. Try Chris at PRO Die, he just made me a punch withe 9 holes in it for the lacing on the back of chaps. works really well. 720-341-3259 ot prorodeodies@gmail.com
  18. Looking for other opinions, I have been doing all of our shipping through U.S. Postal service for a few years and have been happy with it. The site is easy to use, they always pickup on time, and the flat rate boxes are a good deal. However I notice that none of my suppliers use USPS, they just about all use UPS and a few use Fedex. So what really is better and more cost effective? What are the benefits, and does shipment quantities play a role in this. Thanks for any Advice Dink
  19. no response at all
  20. I did'nt use a generator because of the noise around crowds. I actually had my trailer setup with three options. First I set it up so it could be plugged into local 110 volt best option and this would run all the lights and sewing machine, I then set up a variable charge rate battery charger off of the 110 and hooked it to a battery (I used one of the big solar batteries but it could be done cheaper). Then once I got somewhere and 110 was not available I had a set of 12 volt lights down the center of the trailer that I could run off battery. Not the best lighting but effective. Make sure the battery is charged before you leave. I then also had a small inverter, I think it was 70 watts that would also aloow me to run 110 off the batteries so that I could use the machine if needed. You just need to consider the length of time you would run off battery and get enough batteries to operate for that tine. Hope that made some sense. I housed my batteries in a vented compartment, and above the batteries was a compartment that was built to hold a cooler. The top of the cooler compartment door was hinged and I had stall mat rubber on top of it that I would use to cut on. This was in the corner of the trailer then I had a four foot work bench, and the machine was next to the bench setting at a 90 angle to the bench. I went through many configurations before I came up with this one. In all it was on one wall of the trailer and was just under 10 feet for everything. But with this I did alot of repair work as well as regular project work when time allowed. Dink
  21. We use the Heritage one from weaver, have been happy with it, and it has alot of available options
  22. I would be interested in hearing more
  23. Need some help here on an older saddle, is there a significance or added value to a martin saddle that was made when they were making them in Idabell? Thanks Dink
  24. Very cool machine
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