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Everything posted by Cameroo

  1. I'd like to thank you for taking the time to make these videos as well. Stitching seems like a fairly simple process but I never really thought about some of the things you mentioned before. They really helped me be more consistent, and also made me much faster. I subscribed to your Youtube channel and look forward to seeing what's next!
  2. Thanks guys. The clip on the back was salvaged from an old cell phone case. It had 3 "fingers" attached that went through the leather, a matching plate fit over the fingers, and the finger tabs just bent over to hold it all together. I installed it and the snap before gluing a pigskin liner on to keep the phone from getting scuffed up by the metal.
  3. That's some really nice work, you have an eye for details Thanks for sharing!
  4. Also the use of an edge beveller and burnisher on the edges will give them a more finished appearance.
  5. Thanks. Actually everything you see is deer rawhide, even the lace was cut from the hide. The veg tan is totally covered. The band on the top is taken from a portion of the hide that was nearly transparent, and was put on grain or hair-side facing out. The rest of it was from a thicker portion of the hide, and was put on with the flesh side out, to give some contrast and different texture. It was colored a bit with some Eco-Flo antiquing gel, and then I rubbed some cooking oil into it just to help keep it from getting brittle over time. It was a fun little experiment. Really, I was just looking for something to do with the rawhide that I made, but I like how it turned out.
  6. Nice job all around. The undercutting you did for some of the tooling really makes it "pop". How long did it take you to make it?
  7. This is a knife and sheath I made recently for a Christmas present. I wanted the sheath to look "rustic". It is veg-tanned cowhide covered with some deer rawhide I made last fall. Just thought some of you might want to check it out.
  8. I think it depends on how the skin was finished. I have used the black ones from Tandy, and the color on them seems to be almost like a thin layer of rubber. The skins themselves are very durable, but the finish on those Tandy ones will not last on something like a wallet. I doubt that a stain or dye would penetrate the finish that was applied to those skins. Not sure about the ones you have though. Just try on a small scrap piece I guess.
  9. That is amazing! Beautiful work
  10. Nice work I've been wanting to make some similar to that for some time, for hunting. Can I ask where you found the tutorial?
  11. I don't think it's etched at all. Looks to me like it's hand tooled to look like that. Then dyed, with possibly a coat of some type of resist applied after that, and then some kind of antique would be applied and then wiped off. I'm guessing you could get those textures by casing some veg tanned leather, and then rolling a rock with some rough edges over the leather.
  12. Made some broadhead covers for my hunting arrows so I don't accidentally get shanked. They're nothing pretty but will do the job.
  13. Holy crap, the work those guys do is ridiculous! I can't imagine the time it would take to do one of those knives, and the sheaths are something else too!
  14. Those are beautiful! Supposing someone who knows very little about braiding would like to attempt to make something similar, where should he begin? What are those braids called that hold the two strands together? and how do you make the closure on the end? Thanks in advance.
  15. Hey, thanks for the feedback. Modern or "traditional" - doesn't matter, it's all fun! To answer your questions, I came up with my own pattern, based on similar ones that I've seen before. I did a bit of a build-along for this quiver on another website that might help you out with some ideas. here's a link to it: http://www.primitive...ic,25363.0.html Since making that one, I've tried my hand at making and using a quiver similar to those used by the Plains Indians, and it has become my favorite type of quiver to date. That one can be seen here: http://www.primitive...ic,32010.0.html If you need any specific answers I'll do what I can to help
  16. I made a "man purse" to attach to the quiver I made a while ago. Could fit at least 5 squirrels in there
  17. Wow, those are some crisp lines Great work!
  18. Nice design, I'm looking forward to seeing it all done up!
  19. Those are nice - nothing too flashy, but finished very well
  20. Here's a quiver I made recently. I have never used one of this type before, but it has quickly become my favorite. It's loosely based on what the Plains Indians used. It only took a few hours to throw together.
  21. Thanks Blazin, Chancey, and Lois. Lois - I've seen collars that style, but that is not the look I was going for. But fear not, this is not her "everyday" collar. She'll only be wearing it once in a while when out for walks or going to the dog park, etc. She doesn't show any signs of discomfort while it is on though. The elk hide liner is wider than the buckle and seems to keep her hairs from getting pinched, and the collar is loose enough not to restrict her movement at all. Bailey thanks you for your concern though
  22. Thanks guys and gals. To answer your questions, the elk hide liner was cut to twice the width of the collar, and folder over and glued to itself, with the seam in the middle (used Tandy's leather weld). The veg tanned leather was then glued on top of this. I had to pre-bend the collar before glueing it all up, due to the thickness of all the layers. Otherwise the outside would have to stretch and the inside compress, and it would have been all lumpy. My plan originally was to run a stitch along the length on each side, but after glueing and with the help of the chicago screws, it seems to be holding together well enough. If it starts to separate I may have to stitch it, but I'd rather not, because I don't have a machine, and hand-stitching is not my favorite thing to do Also, just an FYI - if I had to do it again, I would cut the liner off where the adjustment holes start. There's really no reason to extend it past there, and it makes it a bit of a pain to buckle/unbuckle with the material being that thick.
  23. I was bored a while back so I decided to try my hand at making a new collar for my lab. Bailey wanted to show it off, so she sat and modelled it while I snapped a couple pics. It's sort of a mash-up of a few different ideas I had. I wanted to make something "beefy", so I used a big 1 3/4" wide buckle. I used veg-tanned leather lined with elk hide. If I made another I'd do it differently, but the one thing I really like is having the loop on top to hook a leash onto. Here are a few pics for anyone that might be interested.
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