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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. One last question then trust me I'll leave you alone...RIGHT. When you put on the Clear Lac, did you do it over the Cova Dye. And if so, I assume it did not run. Then you antiqued and tan kote? Sound about right. Inquiring minds need to know.
  2. I just finished a project that I used cova colors on and dye. i tried some Tan Kote on a scrap peice and the colors stayed, vibrant and did not move. Here is my question. Normally, without the cova color, I would use Neat Lac and then antique. I'm afraid to use the Neat lac as it will attack the acrylic paint. So, if i use the tan kote in place of the Neat lac, will I get the same antique effect as before? Thanks, jon
  3. Great job Chief. The tooling has some nice definition. As for BK. I have his bevelers, and you are spot on. Properly cased leather and tap, tap, nice and defined. Jon
  4. The best i found are from ron's tools
  5. I circumstances like this I have always found cash to be a good answer. And you would really like a new maul.
  6. Say's it All....................
  7. This is my take. If you want a good round knife and don't want to spend $$$$$, See Bruce Johnson for refurbsihed goodies. If you wan't to spend some $$$$ and want a LOOKER, see any of the folks mentioned above. The bottom line is this. If you know how to sharpen a blade, and reallt like to do this often, buy a Tandy. And I mean with several different stones and a strop. If you don't , see above. Pay Da Man and live happy. Strop the knife and move on. In all my years and all my hobbies if I just added up the bad moves on tooling, well I wouldn't have this chit load of bad tooling. Just Sayin'
  8. This is the way it works. Been there done that. An EIN will get you wholsale anywere and allow you to collect sales tax. With this luxury you have to fill out business paper for the IRS, either Schedule C, or whatever you need. On the other hand, if people tell you, that you can lose money for years and still be okay with the IRS, they are dilusional. You can lose one year, and then it is considered a hobby and all bets are off. Check with a CPA in your area. Like I said been there done that. When Uncle Sam hauls you into his office he's not real kind. Jon
  9. Nice setup Chief, neat orderly. You it made.,,,,,,,,,,
  10. With that news Ed were back in the Bearman Awl game. The best of two worlds a Douglas blade in a Bearman handle. As for the plough gauge I would be happy to draw mine up for you. Let me know. I can get photos and make some drawings. The interchangability of a round knife is an intersting idea.
  11. Another option is Bruce Johnson. He has knives ready to go. They are refurbished oldies but goodies. Tell bruce aht your looking for and he willl set you up. bruce is a contiributor here as well. i bought one of his knives and am very happy. Very soon I will travel the LW or another. I really like nice tools. Jon
  12. Thanks, and the tip is you know you done good. I need soem Sheridan lessons. Your stuff is killer.............................. Thanks, Jon Spray finish or rub on????? Come on give it up.......................
  13. As always your tooling is the gold standard. Outstanding. Did you use acrylic paint. If so how did you finish? I'm working on a similar project.
  14. Have an osborne and had to sharpen it out of the bag. In my mind tools should come Sharp and ready for use. I need the end awl.
  15. Ed, What awl do I use in the handle. Something from SLC? I really need a good awl, badly.
  16. Thanks guys. Compliments from the cream is always Great. The ray really did't present any stiching issues. I made sure to sand the beads down to the flesh. I had a freind sew my straps for me and all he said was that he could here the needle click as it went through the bead. The needel never deflected. I think that have an 8/9 oz top helps to support the needele before it gets to the ray.
  17. Really depends on what you are stiching. Call Sheriden they'll get it right.
  18. Put me down for an awl Ed. I'll take #10. Nice work as usual.
  19. I picked up the Osborne awl. Better than the Tandy but still needs to be sharpened on a stone. FWIW, like said above, go to a Good Tool Maker and spend the money on a Good Awl. Sheriden Leather has the Douglas Awls. They aren't cheap, but they're sharp and they work. Jon
  20. Well I finally finished items for sale. Prototypes are finished now it is on to finished goods. have a fourth, but the customer took it last night. The ray is my first inlay and I am really happy with it. next is an inlay Croc. As always critques are welcome. Thanks, Jon One , more that would not take on the original post. This is for the local Gretsch head.........................
  21. Bo Do you have a link to the set? Thanks Jon
  22. Hi, Should really go to the Member Gallery and introduce yourself. It helps all of us get acquainted with you. Thanks, Jon
  23. Ever notice, the person who asked the question, never posted again. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  24. Thanks, I think I will tool the logos, which are on the main belt and finish them. The only other tooling will be a very coarse background so I will probaly dye that area first, paint and then finish. The two belt sides are serperate and will be sewn to the main belt after everything is completed. Guess I wait and see how the spirit moves me. I have yet to have a project come out as intended. Always making changes as I go. You have been a big help. Thanks, Jon
  25. Okay final question. I can paint my logos with the acrylics and finsih witht he Super Sheen. Now, any worries if I use standard dyes and or antiques on the other areas of the belt, which will be tooled? Or should I stick to water stains, acrylics and super sheen?
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