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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. Your letters are tooled outstanding. The way they just stand out is absolutley great. Nice job!
  2. Thanks Aaron, That makes sense. I found a link here that talks about hardening armor. I bought a faux helmet to use as a pattern so i will follow this method. Thanks, Jon
  3. Found all the things I needed...........................will post my finished helmet..........................Maybe. Just like the help I got here
  4. I want to make an old time football helmet. My thought was to buy one of the faux vinyl models, tear it apart and use it for a pattern. Questions I have are with constrution. I assume that this really falls into the category of a Medevial helm. If this is so, do I cut the pattern gussettes and straps and then harden them prior to sewing. What hardening process works best? I've read about using hot water and then forming. After that soaking in beeswax and pitch to get the leather hard. Is this close? Would the steps be similar to making a tankard? Thanks in advance for any input. Jon
  5. Very nice. I love the pattern and the bling. Were did you get the cool flower center from?
  6. PM me when you have a free schedule. How about later in October?
  7. Right off of Hwy 44? We'll need to meet for coffee. Jon
  8. Welcome. I'm in Fond du lac
  9. Hi all, Here's a few thing I have finished up and remembered to psts. I made some commemorative belts for my buddies in honor of the 15 year anniversery of the Celebration of Life. Guys weekend in the UP on Lake Superior. Will be adding the commemorative plauge tomorrow and presenting on Thursday. Also finished an order for another Championship belt with an extender, for a big guy. Thanks for all the help here as noe of this is possible withuout you. Jon added pics
  10. Ron's tools has excellant edgers. You won't be dissapointed and they come with thier own sharpening rod. http://ronstools.com/
  11. I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice job.
  12. Got it !!! Thanks
  13. Were gettimg close. Can I put Cova Color over neat lac? Will it adhere? I understand the final coat process. Want to make sure that the cova color adheres to the neat lac..
  14. here's the question. I want to put neat lac on the project to preserve the natural leather in some areas, then apply antique. Then i want to color a few spots. I am wondering if I can put Cova color over neat lac, not visa versa. I will use tan kote for the fianl finish. I am concerned with cova color adherring to the neat lac. Sorry, I wasn't very clear in my opening remarks.
  15. Thanks, that part I have. But I want to paint a few things with cova color and trying to figure out were it fits best in the combination.
  16. Any issue with this method? Aniqaue, neat lac, cova color, tan kote. Or Neat Lac, Cova color, tan kote. Thanks in advance.
  17. If you are going to lay the granite level witha the bench top some serious supports re required. The entire function of thick granite is to prevent bounce. So the carpenter can design in a support system for the grnite that will keep it level and have no bounce when your stamping. Go to a local grave stone maker. You should be able to get one of thier mistake peices at a very reasonable price and cut to size as well. Great wedding gift and congrats on the new husband.
  18. Congrats............................. Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Mmmmmmmmmmmm Sound Fabulous..............................http://dukeofdevonpub.com/index.html
  20. Will have to hook up
  21. Contact the business in question and explain the situation. If you have, and can prove, your continued use through commerce. You are the legal owner of that name. For example you call yourself ABC Leather and have been doing business under that name for several years. Show proof for local sales as well as Internet sales and the name belongs to you. This will hold up in a court of law. Now, you can register your business name with your State for small fee. This gives you State ownership. The same can be done with the Federal level. Now, this gives you no tax number, no right to sell. It only protects your name. Same goes the other way. When you setup an EIN or tax number to purchase wholesale it does nothing to protect your name. These are two seperate and exclusive issues. You may just find that the other person didn't know and will gladly change thier name. Or if they won't you can take them to small claims court. This only works if you are both in the same state. If it involves another State it gets dicey. I would call and go from there.
  22. Welcome. What part of cheeseland are you located in? Fond du lac , here..........
  23. :You_Rock_Emoticon:Outstanding job. The lacing and toolong really make the strap. You should be proud
  24. HATE????? You raise the bar so high people have nothing more to say. I like the dark boarder. Designing a project right now and i think this concept will be used. THANKS
  25. Great JOB!!!!!!!!! The display says it all. Who you are, waht you do and how to get in touch with you. I would think yyou will get more sales from the display than things selling offf of the display. nice marketing anf leather work.
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