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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. Will send in a PM
  2. If you're looking for a good round knife. Contact Bruce Johnson, he's a member here and sells used, refurbished knives. Can't get any better than what Bruce sells and the price is right.
  3. thanks, just sent $10 for 60 plus shipping Jon
  4. Would like to buy 40 but could use an installation reply.................
  5. Just finished smoking a 10# whole brisket. Mmmm burnt ends. Fresh bread with gravy and stuffing on the menu tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LNLeather


      Are there any leftovers & Can I come for breakfast? Mmmm

    3. Bluesman


      Yup, leftovers with eggs and toast. Nothing like brisket n' eggs..............get over Here!!!!!11

    4. LNLeather


      Mmmmmmmmm Yum!

      I'm on my way!

  6. I also like JW hardware and tools. So, come clean how did you get that edge that..............Clean
  7. I second j watt great punches
  8. Wonderful job. This stitching is very good. I also like the color layout and buckle combo. Great job all around. Hoe do you get such nice straight edging of the black against the tan?
  9. Your detail is ridiculous, and the coloring is beyond cool............. If you don't mind sharing, what is the back ground stamp and how do you get detail that crisp? Thanks, Jon
  10. Barry King bevelers, will greatly improve this. There steep back angle is what you want.
  11. AGHHHHHHH Lucky Guy......Great Pickup........I'm coming to Tomohawk
  12. I've got some thing on the burner,er bench that would fit in this category as well. Also could use some specific tutorials from the Oh Great 77 man
  13. Outstanding thank you Art!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Very good job. I would have to say you need to make another one. So you can color one and keep one plain. Another route would be to color and then antique which would wipe some of the paint off and give it a real old look. In any event nice Santa!!
  15. What is the best way to install? I would assume you make two holes insert and then bend tabs with a vise and or pliers. this sound right?
  16. Nice pickup!! You are one lucky guy. Keeps us posted on the full setup and your learning curve. That's the machine I want.....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. 8/9 for a belt and I use 2/3 oz lining
  18. O Yeah!!!!!!!! :notworthy: You did Great!!! Were did you get the lamb skin and what weight is it? Also how was it to work with?
  19. Call Springfield and ask them if they can ship to Cali, I could be wrong. So a phone call clears it up and you may luck out.
  20. Never cared for the gel. You can get the paste from Springfield Leather. I was told Tandy did't carry it because of VOC content and it being outlawed in California.
  21. Google accordion pictures and look at the sides they are like a fire place bellows, pleated so they close up on themselves. For the gussets you may want to use something thinner like 5/6 oz.
  22. I love it. That is beautiful work. It looks perfect on the plain bag. Very nice, very nice.
  23. Look Above your post. I use it all the time. And Barry is Aces in my book. Great tools, Great Service and answers all my questions. Even the dumb ones.
  24. Here is Barry's contact info from his page http://barrykingtool...m/contactus.htm
  25. Great job on the weave. I also like BW stamps, they make such a cool design. Whomever you made the strap for is going to love it.
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