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Everything posted by hornm

  1. Aaron. Glad to hear that you are doing well, all things considered. Just take it easy and let it heal up good before you try doing too much. I won't be at the pattern drawing class this coming weekend. It would be a little too much right after Pauls class and I'm trying to scrounge up enough to make it to Pendleton, but I'll catch you on the 7th for the workshop. I might try to go out to Tandy for the clearance sale. Anyway, if there is anything that the rest of us local folks can do let us know. Horn
  2. So how are things looking Aaron? Did everything go well? Horn
  3. Good luck with your appt tomorrow Aaron. Hope they get you squared away with no issues. Horn
  4. It could also be something that someone either created or simply modified another to suit their taste. Is that back patch Leather? Sorry couldn't really tell from the photo. Horn
  5. I sent Leon a message via facebook as well. Not sure how much time he may spend on here. What about Chuck 2.0 (Rivercity)?
  6. Those are amazing. Thanks for sharing Horn
  7. http://leatherworker...?showtopic=9940 The fifth picture should explain it. This is from the Kevin King tutorial for wallet guts. Different style but same basic idea. Listed in the "How Do I Do That" section of the forum. Basically the bottom of each "top" pocket is attached/sewn to the next one in line. Since the pockets are stacked like stairs the bottom stair/step is sewn to the second stair/step about 3/4 of the way down so that the stitches are out of sight. then the second stair/step is sewn to the third in the same manner. when the pockets/stairs are sewn together (as in picture 5 from the tutorial) you get enough room for the cards without any getting lost in the guts of the wallet Hope this helps to clarify a little more Horn
  8. Or see if your leather supplier/distributor can provide the information to you in regards to whatever you are using. Then you could send that with your customs paperwork and bee all square. Horn
  9. O.K. Had me a little worried there. At least I can still get up late on Sat.
  10. Are we going to have another issue with Sat being 10-5? Horn
  11. I'm "patiently" counting down the days until the class starts Michael
  12. Ed I gave him $125 as that was "all I had". But considering what some of the older tools go for on the bay it was (as far as I'm concerned anywho) a good investment. Good clean impressions from all but 1 tool that I'm not sure what it was supposed to be, seeder would be my guess as it didn't have any markings at all. And looking at the old backgrounders/round grounders(?) a few of them haven't been made in a while so...score! OH.. $150 was what he was originally asking. Michael
  13. Had to retake a pic as the original was too big
  14. Rounding the last corner on my way out of the antique store to go home what do I find..... 48 stamps most without the letter designation ex: 104 vs A104 15 swivel knife blades. Mostly angled And 2 swivel knives with blades The guy said that he has more tools from an estate sale that he hasn't had time to clean up yet but I gave him my contact info and he said that he would e-mail me some pics of any of the other leather "looking" tools that he comes across. Michael
  15. I ended up with this last year. The giveaway was that the page instructed me to buy a money card at Walgreens or Walmart and submit it to wherever. Luckily the local computer shop up the way got it taken care of and all is good. Thanks for the heads up, Michael
  16. I found this link useful http://www.thethreadexchange.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=TTE&Category_Code=nylon-thread-information As for the needle sizes....not much help. Luckily Oregon Leather has a box they handed me with all the different needles (Osborne) taped to the side with the sizes so I could at least take a better stab at what I was buying (got the 000) Michael
  17. Welcome aboard! If you ever make it to the Portland/Vancouver give a holler. There's at least a couple of us down here. Michael
  18. Everybody needs a hobby?? Sorry that's all I can come up with. Michael
  19. They are a Mittelalter band from Erlangen(?) I was wondering if you had heard of them and if so what you thought. Sorry for the confusion. And +1 to Bob's post with the Leather Crafters link for the 2 bigger/biggest(?) shows here in the states. Michael
  20. Rene Berends is in Diesenhofen,Bayern. Or thats is where his gallery is at least. He does a lot of teaching. http://www.beargallery.de/ Basically any of the trade shows here in the states will have classes. Anything from 1 hour sessions, one on one with a pro or classes for various projects up to 3 days depending on what the project is. So... what do you think of Feuerschwanz?? Michael
  21. Yes. Many thanks. I'm always on the lookout for free media that might just have another idea (or cause one) Michael
  22. This is what I ended up with after applying cedar oil to veg tan as per chancey77's question. The pic is after about 27hrs. Didn't affect the texture as I could tell but the scent is still a little strong. If this was something I was actually planning on using regularly I'd probably "thin" it down with some neatsfoot oil to make application easier and more consistent. Even after the oil the leather will still tool/carve. What else did you need to know Chancey? Horn Oh and if it isn't obvious the oiled leather is on the left in the pic. Horn
  23. WOW!! Beautiful job. How long did that take to construct?
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