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Everything posted by hornm

  1. If the smaller bevelers are leaving marks tap the tools lighter. You have a lot less surface area on the face of the tool to distribute the force from the maul, mallet, shoe..whatever you are using. I have some of Barry's and Clay Millers smaller bevelers and they can be a pain to bevel with due to how they react to even small changes in force from the maul. Just keep practicing and asking questions and you'll get it down Horn
  2. Even if you can't make the class I'd suggest getting ahold of the Emerald Valley Leathercrafters Guild (if I recall they are the ones bringing Bob to Eugene). We've done classes with a couple of the folks from that group and they would probably be a good resource for assisting with refining your leather skills. Horn
  3. Beautiful as always. I love seeing the photos of your work Horn
  4. Good deal. Congratulations. Clean them up and put 'em to some use. Horn
  5. Yup. I need to find my strap cutter and get some of that latigo cut if you can still split it for me. I hope to hear that story sometime. I've really liked what I've seen of your work. Horn
  6. I blame it on video games and rock 'n' roll.... But seriously. This is the "disposable generation" that we're dealing with. They probably wouldn't know what to do with something that was actually made to last. Similar in a sense to the keeping up with the Joneses (hope I stated that right) mentality. Something new is going to come out here soon that you'll just have to run out to get so that you can be just like the rest of the herd. Just keep in mind that "our" target audience are those few people around that still know what a quality item is. When I say "our" I mean your since I haven't made anything yet that I would be comfortable having someone give me money for. Horn
  7. Excellent work, Thank you for the pictoral walk through. Horn
  8. I'll be watching this thread throughout the day. Interested in seeing how this turns out. Horn
  9. That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us. Horn
  10. Leon and I are already here....where is everybody else? Horn
  11. Use graphite. the type sold for door locks etc. Keep in mind though that the swivel innards may just be toast so..... Horn
  12. Looks like a set of seeders. I just recently got an old craftool set from proleather carvers(?) on fleabay. 5 or 6 sizes in a series. Cameroo and King's X's suggestion would work just fine as well so long as you have the punches. Horn
  13. Figures I'd miss out on a good size meeting. Hopefully things keep their pace and we get a good steady group. If I can get my errands done on Sat I'll try to give you a call to see about wandering over. Horn
  14. Good looking belt there chief. Definately going to have to stop by your place here in the near future and check out your collection of "toys". Horn
  15. Search Creating Western Floral Designs here on LW. The first post is his with a flyer containing his contact info or.... send him a message here on LW he goes by hidepounder (in case you didn't know) Horn
  16. I've bought some "water proof" shoes so I'm still a go. Horn
  17. Good stuff Chuck. I've been packing Bobs book around in my pack back and forth to work for a while now. If it wasn't for people wanting things from me all the time my drawing might improve a bit. Customers....pfft. Horn
  18. Congratulations! Hope all turns out well with the exam. Horn
  19. Another thing of beauty. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us. Horn
  20. That's just beautiful. I always enjoy seeing your work. Horn
  21. Doesn't NZ have pretty strict import/quarantine restrictions similar to AU? I do shipping full time for a health care/research facility here in the US and know that often times shipments to either your country or the other get held up due to the potential arm loads of paperwork required to get "things" into said country. Granted I'm not usually having to process shipments of leather so maybe I'm way off base here. Also I'm not sitting in front of my work computer with the 1,000,001 saved links regarding shipping regs either so.... Horn
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