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Everything posted by dannyd

  1. Guy on ebay sells acrylic pattern that's good. Hardest thing is getting the "US" on right.
  2. I use that pattern too.
  3. Been smelling contact cement for 65 years mostly Formica 140 and don't like it. Renia Aqualim 315 works just as well without the mess or smell. If you check the MSDS sheets you may find most contact cement's have one thing in common "the same factory of manufacture". Just my opinion just mileage may definitely very
  4. SLC does ship Renia Aqualim with a heat pack. They even ship it to Florida with a heat pack; at first I thought it was a desiccant pack and it was going to explode because it was so hot.
  5. Just called them nice people.
  6. I use Tandy, Springfield and Weaver. It's going to depend more on the project and if it's for you or sale. I do leather work for fun and give away what I make or throw it in a box and move to the next project. If your just starting out and want to learn nothing wrong with Tandy been using their leather for almost 40 years and have belts and holsters most people could not tell the difference between Tandy and Herman Oaks. I do like Herman Oaks and it's definitely very good leather tools good again it's depends on what your doing. Give Springfield Leather a call nice people to talk to and see what they have on sale.
  7. You can order it from Springfield leather now. I use it for any glueing project now; patterns, wood work and leather. I am a box leather worker; I make it and throw it in the box. I see something I like and make it.
  8. I have used both for years and both will do the job, but because I moved my leather working to an air conditioned room switched to Aquilim 315. It works as good as Barge or Weldwood but not flammable and no stink. So I would use which ever is easier to find. Weld-wood is evolved from Formica 140 cement.
  9. I will take the SP101. Pm on the way.
  10. That is an excellent idea I have a old Stanley set from 50 years ago 1/8 to 2".
  11. Never mind found elsewhere
  12. I will take them if you don't take paypal just let me know the form of payment desired.
  13. I will take if you take paypal
  14. Never owned a real 1911 just blue guns.
  15. GP100 is easy to make a holster for depending on the type. example one on the right GP100. May want try 6oz with a 2 oz liner.
  16. here is the bunkhouse stamp
  17. Got a "US" stamp from Bunkhouse works very good.
  18. Great Holster, but where did you belt clips?
  19. These are ones I have made.
  20. My speed loader cases
  21. Its a Navy thing when I first joined we had tailor shops and shoe repair. We were fully self contained.
  22. got a Ruger Blackhawk from them worked great makes a nice holster
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