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Ken Cook

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Everything posted by Ken Cook

  1. Ok, I have been playing around with it some more. I can see there is no way it will lay flat like I had hoped. I think I will try trimming out the fold and sewing it back together from the inside. I've seen it done to repair bullet holes in buckskin. If it doesn't work I will have the other side of the wavy area to work with. Thanks for the reply's, Ken
  2. It's not very thick. Just a little heaver than the pig skin used for interiors about 1/16". I'm no good on the ounce thing. It is also very smooth on the back, not like I have read while doing research. I've been using Barge Contact Cement. I have never seen it turn loose. It would have at least 3 layers of pig skin glued and sewed. Full Liner glues everywhere, then zipper pouch on one side, C Cards on the other glued around the edges = 3 layers glued. I'm just concerned it will be wavy on those corners. It will lay flat if I hold it all down. I know it will work if I use the flatter section behind the legs and it would look cool, but I like all the different patterns in the section forward of the legs.
  3. I am going to make myself a new wallet and want to use this gator hide I just bought. I'd like to use the head area but it will go into the shoulder/leg area of the hide. I may need to use a flatter area, like behind the shoulder. It would make more waste in the long run. Do you think I can glue it flat. I have used rubber cement on a pound-o-board to line things up in the past but I don't know if it will last once it is permanently glued to the backing. What do you guys think. Any and all thoughts welcome. Thanks, Ken
  4. Apparently I don't know how to use the quote tool.
  5. I'm glad amacman replied to such an old thread. I bought some alligator last week and I'm about to do something with it, probably a roper wallet. This is why we search.
  6. Welcome from Louisiana.
  7. I like the Pig Skin under the rivet head idea.
  8. I think he means a strip on the outside covering the edge, like a wrap. Use glue. They use Barge to glue shoe soles on. I have used the stuff to glue my wife's sandals back together, still holding.
  9. Neatsfoot Oil is "oil". Using it will only put more oil into the leather. I just watched a youtube video on finishing a holster with neatsfoot oil. The guy coated the outside with the oil then sealed it with Super Sheen. I would call Springfield Leather. They will know what you need and likely have it on the shelf. Ken
  10. Very nice. I like the buckle adjustment.
  11. Kydex. It comes in different thicknesses. I would sandwich and glue it on both sides.
  12. If you wanted to you could probably have them powder coated. However I think almost anything will have problems with scratches when you set them.
  13. I would use some Kydex to keep it stiff. and cut a strip of leather and maybe skive id to the thickness that feels right. The Kydex will keep the swell on one side of the cover. The upholstery shops make Piping by sewing a plastic line between 1 strip of material. Youtube upholstery piping.This is the same idea.
  14. 2X on the Vinegroon! I make it using a 5 gallon bucket, 4 gallons of plain vinegar and 4 or 5 packs of steel wool. Stir it everyday or so for a couple of weeks. You know it's ready when you dip a piece of veg tan and it turns black. The 1st batch I made, I went through the trouble of straining it, but now I just rinse off the residue. You could make less. Wash the leather with baking soda water to remove the smell. Oh, keep the lid on it after it stops bubbling. The 1st batch went bad/stopped working after the lid stayed cracked for several weeks.
  15. Why not? The video makes it look like driving a car.
  16. May need to adjust the pressure on the presser foot. Looks like it is holding the leather as you turn it. Have you tried to call Tippman?
  17. That "TangleBoss" is cool. I couldn't find the price, but I have to have one. I'm talking about the link in the last post. I was going to suggest looking at Springfield leather. I saw an exact-o knife handle that holds a swivel knife blade. Maybe you could use that to make something more comfortable than a regular swivel knife. You could probably call them to see what's available. They show to have 40 years experience. Someone there should have arthritis. Good Luck, Ken
  18. I just watched a How To video on copper rivets. Go to springfieldleather.com, Home Page and look for "Kevin's Helpful Hints Videos". The Rivet Video is second from the top. Good Luck, Ken
  19. What I'm looking for is the tracing pattern for the Skull and Floral Carving. I intend to use the Biker Wallet interior from Springfield Leather for the rest. That is a cool web site, but it is in Chinese (I clicked on English). I don't see any patterns for sale.
  20. I just did the search for Leather Tattoo Wallet Images and also without the word images. I also copied and pasted the www.leathercraft.jp I did not find a pattern, only more photos of Skull Wallets. I did lots of google searches before posting. This photo was the best one in my opinion. Maybe the others were all done by tracing a photocopy??
  21. Hello everyone, I came across this wallet and I have been looking for the Carving Pattern. I found several others all make by different people, but I have not been able to find the pattern. Does anyone know where I could purchase it? I may attempt to trace it from a print-out of the photo. Any suggestions?? Ken
  22. That's Cool!
  23. That's what I'm talkin bout! This one looks Professional. The only other thing you could have done was to glue a liner to the back. And I don't think it is really necessary. Great edges!
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