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Everything posted by Santo

  1. Interested in the maul if still available
  2. The following link is normally used to open a pop-up information window, from the pages of the Cowboy 441 clones. But, here it is on its own, just because you asked! It details the various feet and cover plates and edge guides for the 441 clones, including Cobra, Cowboy and Techsew Hate to barge in, but quick question for Wiz. Are the accessories interchangeable between all the clones? I really like the paddle feet, thread lube box, and swing away roller arm Cowboy offers.
  3. Do you still have all the swivel knives?
  4. Very nice!! Where did you get those interior rivets from?
  5. Amazing looking wallet! Very inspiring. You say you do screen printing in the portland area.........seizure palace?
  6. Santo


    From the album: Collars

  7. Santo


    From the album: Collars

  8. Santo


    From the album: Collars

  9. Santo


    From the album: Collars

  10. Santo


    From the album: Collars

  11. Santo


    From the album: Collars

  12. Santo

    Wax Pot

    @billymac if no one else takes that pot ill take it
  13. I agree with wood bleach( oxycylic acid) it does the job. Some guys use it in place of lemon juice to take the stains off their leather projects. Use a small fish tank heater and it speeds the process up.
  14. Looking to set the timing on a used Cobra C17 I picked up. Anyone have a PDF of the manual?
  15. More than half my tools are from Clay. Highly recommended!
  16. I second the recommendation on Clay Miller tools. I have replaced all my bevelers along with some specialty bevelers and some custom stamps. Great customer service and quick turnaround.
  17. Thanks golden night that helps a lot! @Mc jeep I carve all my lettering no stamps
  18. Has anyone had success with spraying it on with an airbrush?
  19. Awesome work ! Where these sprayed using spirit dyes?
  20. Looks great! Is the inside dyed red?
  21. Here is a look after i had decided my spirit dye pink was not "hot"enough. I was kind of at an oh shit moment and in save mode by this point.
  22. Thanks! The pink on the harness was by default. I try to stay using spirit dyes, but i couldn't duplicate hot pink. I kept getting a really washed out version that was flesh tone. Because that is what was requested i used eco flo hi liter stain. Honestly im not happy with it at all. But i have gotten a good response from the lady im making it for and my wife. So I guess it has gotten the approval from the pink tutu crew. The silver is also Eco flo hi liter mixed with tan kote. Im more of a fan of the sheridan looks. Blacks browns and mahoganey
  23. Thanks Mijo! Didn't use a die, by hand. But i messed that up a little which led to some other problems. Im learning some lessons on this harness. Alot of "don't do that next time" stuff. The harnes will have one more strap and hook up like your harnesses pretty much. Next time i will take more time cuttiing my shape out set my line for stitching way ahead of anything. And redo the straps larger or integrate them into the chest plate.
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