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J Allen

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About J Allen

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wallets, Cuff and stuff

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  1. Hey Jay, Here's a little tip to make the interior side of the lacing look better. Take your modeling tool and use the spoon to push the pooched out leather at where the lace was pulled through the slot to kind of tuck it back into the slot. This will make the interior look cleaner and finished. Hope this helps!.
  2. J Allen


    Hey Yeti, After going to the website I wonder why you didn't get the impression this was a flimsy outfit to begin with. I did a bit of research and found out this is nothing more that a guy with a computer and selling Tandy items bought straight from the Austin TX Tandy store. Minimal stock and once a few items are bought online, a trip is made into town to get the stock, package it and out the door. Uses Tandy's photos and stock numbers. Lists the items at Tandy's Non-member price. Not faulting the guy for doing it, deserves to get paid for his time ans effort but... Heck if you want that, shoot me a pm and I'll do the same thing for you.
  3. Can anyone tell me why I see other folks profile pics as myLW'r background and how to change that from happening?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WinterBear


      Try clearing your Browser's Cache (it's usually under the tools menu), then press Ctrl+F5 to force the computer to reload the entire page.

    3. Johanna


      If you hover your cursor over a member's name a profile box will pop up. Is that what you are seeing?

    4. J Allen

      J Allen

      Jo- No on my screen, the brown border is sometimes replaced with other peoples profile pic, tiled covering all the border.

      reseting the theme fixed it for now.

  4. So what you are saying is since no one would provide you with the pattern, you thought about what you wanted, designed and then created something unique and useful. In the process you learned valuable skills and was given the ability to decide what you liked about this model and what you would change in order to make it better. Critical thinking skills were exercised, creativity was stirred and you accomplished more than a project, you created. You my friend... did good. I have much more respect for a craftsman who sees a need and creates, than a monkey who relies solely on the fruits of some other person's work. Well done.
  5. Is this jackleg selling his stuff somewhere? Etsy or otherwise? Or did he just get the patent to irritate and intimidate people?
  6. What a tool. The first leather item I ever made... back in 2004 was a bracelet with shotgun conchos. Unfortunately I have no photos. Next thing he will patent is a "leather currency holder with recessed artistic impressions" then claim he invented the carved wallet. I'd love to see a ton of leatherworkers rise up and create a band with bullet elements. Just bombard this turd with potential litigants and he wont be able to fight everyone. Not defending EVERY attempt will also void his patent or discourage him from trying to prey on people.
  7. It mounts with screws just like the factory pick guard.
  8. The film is cheap shelf paper from Walmart. I use it to minimize stretch while tooling. It "usually" doesn't transfer the sticky stuff like packing tape. Here it is finished, well except for the edges. I'll finish them up in a bit. Cyber summed it up, just ironic, iconic tattoo flash.
  9. Why am I seeing unicorns?

    1. LNLeather


      In Real Life or in your Dreams?

    2. J Allen

      J Allen

      My background on LW.net was unicorns last night.

    3. WScott
  10. Ok, missing a bit of love around here, so I thought I would throw out a little WIP ( work in progress). Telecaster pick guard with shameless swiping of a iconic bit of tattoo flash. Showing some love and props to my tattoo brethren plus it is rated PG to boot. Need to do some dying, but that will have to wait till another day. J.
  11. I have decided to not offer these in kit form. Instead I am going to sell the dies. To those who responded and to those who showed interest, thank you for your input and insight. J.
  12. Wood: Part of the drawback to this is if you sell one , most folks would just rip the design to poster board and never buy another. The lower cost might entice those who value time might buy more than one.
  13. If I were to do this, there would not be any assembly instructions. If you can not take three or four pieces including a liner and make a business card case when two smaller pieces look like pockets and one larger piece looks like a back... I dunno, maybe the buyer should be looking to do something else. Not trying to be an ass, just realistic. For me to sit down, take photos as I assemble a three piece business card or a three piece bil-fold would add time and cost. maybe I'm wrong. The benefit to the buyer is a quality "kit" (precut pieces) that fit like they should with nice corners that goes together with a finished look without any inflated cost. I'm thinking a business card case at $5.00 each. Maybe the credit card wallet for the same $5.00. 4-5 oz veg tan with 2-3oz pockets, pig liner.... Just throwing out my thoughts. J.
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