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Everything posted by pepin1948

  1. Fellow from church wants me to make him a guitar strap, which I consdered to be no big deal 'til he told me he wanted it padded....yikes! What to do what to do???
  2. Now that my fingertips feel like they could fall off (it's been a while since I did any lacing...) It's always hard for me to get good pics of black pieces, but these were pretty clear. It's the first time I've done the weave inside a "frame" like this - formerly I would just stamp all up to the edges and over the curve/middle. I think this way works better.
  3. Not big on doing basketweaves, but for money I can be prodded into it This one will be black...
  4. oooo!!! Very nice! Like the coloring.
  5. I should've clarified it's been 'bout 10 years since I did this particular knot. Here is the last time I did it, on the folio kit Tandy had previously. This one was only backgrounded, the new one is only bevelled. The new one is much smaller too. You might want to put your spell check question to Johanna directly in case she doesn't see it here. Missed you in Butler too! But was glad to catch up with so many folks I'd been missing. I'm glad I gave in and went.
  6. That's the Members Gallery, toward the bottom of the page.
  7. I'm in Berks County, PA, and have made patches before. But the buyers were the ones who affixed them to the jackets (I don't have a leather sewing machine). There are others on this board who specialize in biker "gear", so you will hopefully get some other replies. Check the Biker and Tattoo section, or contact moderator Johanna for more info (because it might be under the adult heading, and she'd need to get you permission to view that part of the board). My email is WildRoseCreations@att.net if you'd like to contact me further.
  8. Yeah, and I'm the impatient sort anyhow... The answer is: "nothing"
  9. Yup, those clues work too I'll try to remember to check back Monday and see if anyone got it...
  10. This is an oldie but goodie...will check back in a few days to see if anyone's gotten the answer...supposedly children catch onto it easier than adults... What is more powerful than God More evil than the Devil The poor have it The rich need it and if you eat it you'll die.
  11. Some people prefer multiple accounts because they will give out different addresses to different people / organizations. I have a friend who uses her hotmail account for giving out to the majority of askers, hence it's where she gets the most spam. She only uses her yahoo account for personal friends, and it gets less spam. Anyhow, multiple accounts aside....I have only one, and it's att.net - however, I use Eudora on my home computer to access my email. I love Eudora! It doesn't really help you with your question though...but that's my .02. The only trouble I've had with att.net is that for some reason one friend of mine keeps getting her emails bounced because her service (or mine?) views the address as spam. She's not been able to figure it out yet. But since she's another one with multiple email accounts, she just emails me from her other one.
  12. I have edited two of the above posts to correct the spellings of Ann McGrath and her daughter Margret's names. Those were the only changes made.
  13. In that case, you should also check out http://www.clanbadge.com for the Celtic Knot Font.
  14. I can report that Pat Goodman won the big prize in the tool raffle...more than that I don't really know.
  15. Well, aren't husbands just frustrating sometimes??!! And I'm gonna frustrate you too, cuz honestly those are all the pics I took
  16. First, I have to show off the state that has become my "second home" (after the fact that I will always consider myself a Jersey Girl) These pics were taken today (some while the car was in motion) on I-80 Eastbound. One shows a sign for Jersey Shore exit - that always makes me laugh. Others are of what my family affectionately calls "the rock wall" - a rock face that was blasted to make room for the highway, and where you can still see the dynamite lines. This road is very familiar to me as I've made the trip from NJ to Grove City, PA (my alma mater) many times. However, I never get tired of how beautiful it is, particularly in the autumn. Now, the road construction, and snowy trips, I could do without
  17. "I missed seeing Holly, but I'm hoping to see her tomorrow" I guess no one told ya I was only there for the day : I left a few messages at your house with my cell number, too...ah well, here I am back home in Hamburg, PA now. I have pics to post and will do that shortly. I spent the weekend with my inlaws in Girard, OH, but I can verify the mess that is PENNDOT traffic/road construction, as it took me longer to get to OH on Fri. than I'd expected. On top of it all, Ethan had gotten sick Wed. night with a fever and I almost didn't come at all. But by that point I didn't want to miss it. So he was a little out of sorts at the show. I saw alot of folks I was really wanting to, so all in all I was glad I went. I only wished Ethan was perkier...
  18. I agree - very nice work!
  19. That's GORGEOUS! Very nice work!
  20. I appreciate that :hug: He was 91 and had lived a full life. He'd fallen ill at the end and died peacefully in his sleep. The only problems throughout were issues with his "fiancee" - who no one in our family cared for (my grandmom had passed away 8 yrs ago).
  21. Great! Thanks bunches!!!! I also like http://www.aon-celtic.com
  22. As it turned out, it was a good thing I decided to hold off on making him something because he passed away within a month of going in.
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