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Everything posted by TheTrooper

  1. ..And I think he also meant that the leather looses in this process the good tooling ability like e.g. Hermann Oaks has. Cheers, Marcel
  2. Hi Johann, danke für Deine Antwort, hatte das Wort gestern auf die schnelle nicht im Wörterbuch gefunden. @Gesa Thanks for the link, maybe I´ll will give them also a chance and order a hide from them. Cheers, Marcel
  3. Hi Johann, I don´t really know about the quality compared to Hermann Oaks, but I have good experiences with the leather from Worring Leder But I also saw that Hermann Oaks must have a distributor here in Germany. Could you please explain to me, what you mean with "deadgrinding" leather ?!? Cheers, Marcel
  4. Hi Tina, the guys from Angelus will ship their colors worldwide as far as I know. I mailed them last week and they told me, that they will get back to me with the extact conditions. But I will try to find some other company as well here in europe, if possible. So if you want I´ll keep you posted. Cheers, Marcel
  5. Hi Aulus, ich wünsche Dir Glück bei Deiner Anfrage. Selbst, wenn Du bei Hidecrafter in den USA bestellen solltest, könnte es schwierig werden. Ich meine hier in der letzten Zeit gelesen zu haben, dass die anscheinend schon seit längerer Zeit Lieferschwierigkeiten mit den Pebblern haben. Aber vielleicht hat die BearGallery ja noch was auf Lager. Ach ja, auch ich finde dieses Muster einfach nur schön, aber ob diese Art von Muster wirklich "A" ist ?!?..;-) Gruß, Marcel
  6. Hi, versuche es mal bei Bear Gallery. Soweit ich weis, sind Doris und René Deutschland-Vertreter von Hidecrafter. Vielleicht wirst Du bei ihnen fündig. Viel Erfolg. Gruß, Marcel P.S: Einen relativ ähnlichen Effekt kann man aber auch hiermit erzielen.
  7. Hi John, sorry for my late reply on this topic. The case is gorgeous. I mean, all this flowers are not my cup of tea. But the coloring and tooling of this case is really impressive and just from looking at it you can learn a lot. Cheers, Marcel P.S: I can not await the next monster you´re creating for BigTattoo !!!
  8. The tool for the background might be the E294 from Craftool or something similar, but maybe I am wrong ?!? Take a look here: Tandy UK Search Form Cheers, Marcel
  9. Hi Andy, that is a very nice bag. I love those celtic patterns compared with this antique look!! Hope this question is not to arrant, but do you have a pattern for the whole bag which you could provide ?!? Have a nice weekend. Cheers, Marcel
  10. Hi TomLine, nearly the same I also do. I just put an older head of a stitiching awl in my press an it works perfectly. I had the problem, when I tried to stitch a handle for my cue cases (10-12 oz of leather) that the holes were not really in one line on the upper and down side. I tested it and it works good. So no need for me to buy a Tippmann Boss at this time Cheers, Marcel
  11. Hi Sal, maybe our user John Barton can jump in here, or you can even write him a PM ?!? He did a lot of this scallop edges in the past on his pool cue cases, as you can see here. Cheers, Marcel
  12. Hi Luke, what kind of Antique did you used ?!? The acrylic stain or the paste ?!? THX in advance. Cheers, Marcel
  13. Hi KatieG, thanks for the hint, I will think about it, when I tested the other things. Mixing the Fiebings Leather Stain with the antique hasn´t worked. When I put the antique into the leather stain the antique droped out. So its time to test something else I will report, if I found a solution for that. Cheers, Marcel
  14. Hi Harvey, I ain´t feel like a ghost. Sometimes things like this happen, when you post something in a not so frequented Subforum. Apart from that the people here are very helpfull. Btw, Tom (the writer of the tutorial I mentioned) has already responded to my original thread !!! So I am happy and I know something new, I can try out at the weekend perhaps. Cheers, Marcel
  15. Hi Tom, thanks for the hint. I will give it a try soon, and post the outcome. Cheers, Marcel
  16. Hi Ray, thanks for the advice, maybe i can get to my sewing machine on this way. LOL
  17. Hey folks, my wife now also entered the world of leatherworking. Here is her first tooling on a nice bracer she did for one of our friends as a birthday gift. All comments are appreciated. Cheers, Marcel
  18. Hi folks, some days ago I created a topic in the Dye section. Try to get a nice blackened red effect, ..based on TomSwedes tutorial Nearly nobody looked through this topic, so I try it again in this subforum (hopefully this is OK for the admins !). Maybe this helps. Thanks for your help in advance, I appreciate every tiny hint Cheers, Marcel
  19. ..Hi Jens herzlich Willkommen auf LW.net. This is the first place for leatherworkers to be !!! So many well skilled users, from newbie to pro are around and I have not seen anyone who does not want to share her / his knowledge. Cheers, Marcel
  20. Dear all, I want to make a nice blackened red effect based on Toms Tutorial: I used Fiebings Oxblood Leather-Stain and stained the leather first. I thought, that the Fiebings antique stain, will also stain the leather a bit black, as the Tandy antique seems to do. But it just highlights the tooling and the rest stays red. What can I do to get also some black onto the leather ?!? Is there maybe another Fiebing product I could use ? Another problem I have is, that the Oxblood-Stain turns quiet pink when it dries. How can I avoid this problem ?!? Maybe I can blend it with some black dye ?!? I hope someone of you has some hints for me. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Marcel
  21. This topic can be closed. The knife has already been sold !!! Have fun with it Ray !! THX all, Marcel
  22. ...To state it directly at the beginning, of course everyone can get this knife (so feel free if you want), but I found, that the shipping costs for one knife are quiet expensive. I would pay approx. 40$ for shipping to the USA. I want to sell my Wolf Borger headknife. Wolf Borger is a master knife maker from Germany and his knifes are really nice. But anyhow I can´t get used to using a head knife. I used it 5 times (so its in near new condition) and then quit it. From my point of view this knife has to be used and not lay around all the time. This knife should cost 50€ (64$), plus shipping. This one costs new 65€ (83$). Here are some Photos. Fell free to send me a note, when you have some questions. Cheers, Marcel
  23. I may help out here, for 99centtaco: Cell01 Cell02 Cell03 Cell04 Pattern Cheers, Marcel
  24. Hi Aulus, willkommen im Forum, ich bin aus Wuppertal, zwar von Dir aus nicht direkt um die Ecke, bin aber neben meinen Billardköchern auch sehr am Thema Mittelalter/Reenactment interessiert. Have fun here, sit down, relax and take a coffee. Cheers, Marcel
  25. Hi Ray, good to hear that nothing serious happened to you. I dont´t have a Dixon knife, but maybe you can ask at "BearGallery" in Germany. They have a head knife from a german master knife maker for I think 65€. Sadly they don´t have an english web site but you can contact Doris and René via email under email@beargallery.de I got mine in about 2-3 days (but I am living also in Germany). Here you also have a link to the knife makers webpage.. Wolf Borger knifes I think Bear Gallery just have the "Kleiner Halbmond" in their program, because they think that this one works best. This knife is what a head knife should be, really really sharp btw. it comes also pre-sharpened. Hope you will get a new or used knife pretty soon. Cheers, Marcel
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