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Everything posted by TheTrooper

  1. THX a lot for your answers. I will keep it in mind for my next projects Have a nice weekend. Regards, Marcel
  2. Dear all, I have I question. How do I carve letters the right way ?!? Do I have to carve the complete outline in one piece, or do I have to stop at every edge and begin a new cut when I turned the piece ?!? Hope I phrased out well and you know what I mean ^_^ Cheers, Marcel
  3. Hello John, good to have you also on this site. Regards from germany, Marcel
  4. Hello Don, you may also check out also this site Sohre Leder. From there I got my last leather. Cheers, Marcel
  5. I checked all of them and a lot of stuff I already bought from the bear gallery. But the dollar exchange rate is so nice, that I order directly from tandy. Sadly the geman distributors don´t offer all the sale discounts which Tandy has in the US. And the peoples at Tandy are always nice and helpfull, so I prefer ordering directly from them. The only thing I always order directly in germany is my leather itself. Don, wich company do you prefer for ordering leather in germany ?? Regards, Marcel
  6. @all THX a lot for the kind words and hints. Can´t wait to start my next project. But therefore I still need some materials, hope to get my package from Tandy very soon. But the delivery to germany takes some time :-) Regards, Marcel
  7. Thanks a lot guys... I have to do the stitiching by hand, bacause I don´t have a proper sewing machine for leather. I mean it takes longer (especially for a beginner), but from my point of view it also brings out the real "handmade" character of a project. Cheers, Marcel
  8. Hello @all, here I have my first real leather project I´ve made as an X-Mas present. It´s an hand stitched leather bag with a tooled patch on it. What do you think ?!? Cheers, Marcel
  9. I´m indeed not from the UK, but maybe he/she should take a look here Abbey Saddlery Have a nice weekend. Regards, Marcel
  10. THX a lot guys. Why I had this idea not by myself ?!? All the needed tools I have a home I´ll try it and post about the results. Maybe I´ve to get a smaller edger, but I´ll try the one (I´m just starting ) I have at first. Cheers, Marcel
  11. Hello fellowers, could anyone of you could be so nice and explain me how to achieve round edges. When I bevel the edges normally I get something like an 45° angle, but how to get them round ?? Regards, Marcel
  12. I talked to hidecrafter yesterday. They don´t have a min. amount for an order, also for foreign customers :-)
  13. @Regis THX for your reply. The delivering fee was something I was not thinking of. From that point of view you´re right. It would be the best for me, ordering directly from them. I don´t really know, if they have a minimum for an order outside the US. I will email them, to get an answer for that. AFAIK there is no tax for leather tools. Especially when the total amount of the order is below 50$. Then the package will be sent directly to me, without going through the customs. Cheers, Marcel
  14. Come on guys. Does no one have one of these ?? Or is it, because I´m located in germany ? Cheers, Marcel
  15. Dear all, does anyone of you have this tools in spare or want to sell for any other reason ?? I don´t want to place an order at hidecrafters just for this two stamps (be aware that I´m living in germany :-) Regards, Marcel
  16. Hello folks, can anyone of you tell me where I can get the knifes/blades from henley ? Are there any distributors or do I have to buy from them directly ?? Regards, M.
  17. @unicornwoman THX for the link. But their website I already know OK, than this guy told me not the truth. I also couldn´t imagine that Fiebings were bought by Tandy. So Fiebing´s is just making the dyes for Tandy. OK not all colors are available and the name is different, but it is still the same dye... for a lower price
  18. Hello folks, I am wondering if this is be true or not ?!? Someone told me that Fiebings was buyed by Tandy an that the colours are the same products just with different labels. Does anyone of you can approve that, or was it just a fairy tale the guy told me ?? Regards from germany, M.
  19. Very nice job on the cue case, and also on the seat, of course . Did roger "just" the tooling, or also the coloring on this case ? What kind of colors where there used ?? Regards, Marcel
  20. Thanks Guys, for all the replies. I will take a look, if I have some Fe2O3 in my chemicals stock :biggrin: Have a nice weekend, M.
  21. Thanks Art, I guessed it is corundum, from its normally white color (aluminum oxide abrasive - Al2O3). Do you know if I can also use this for stropping my Swifelknife blade ?? Regards, M.
  22. Dear all, does anyone of you what Jewelers Rouge chemically is ?? I´m asking this because, as my daywork I´m an laboratory assistent. I know that we have some polishing compounds here. But I don´t wanna make something wrong, thats why I´m asking, what Jewelers Rouge really is ?? Cheers, Marcel
  23. Dear Fellowers, I discovered a webpage where a ebook is offered with the title "Leather Craft Secrets: How To Work With Leather For Fun And Profit." the adress is leathercraftsecrets.com What do you make of it ?!? I don´t know if its a seller whom can be trusted. I´m thinking of buying his ebook (but of course I don´t want to lose my money ). Does anyone of you know this page or the ebook ?? Hope anyone of you can help me out. Cheers, Marcel
  24. ..Does anyone of you have experience with that one ?!? TLF No. 31811-00. Is it a good tool for beginners, or is it better to get one from another manufacturer ?? Hope anyone of you can help me. Regards, Marcel P.S: I hope I can start my projects soon, that I can show up some pictures :-)
  25. ..With this method you get a screenshot from the whole computer screen. When you want to make a single screenshot from just the active window press "left alt + prt screen" (together) When you paste it know in a programm like paint, you see just the one window you´ve captured. Regards, Marcel
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