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  • Location
    Rhodes, Greece
  • Interests
    Learning, teaching and being.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Figure carving

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Leatherworker.net Regular

Leatherworker.net Regular (4/4)

  1. Thanks Bob! These were a little challenging but worth the effort I think!
  2. Looks nice! What’s the total thickness of it?
  3. Thanks Bruce! I sure wish I could, but I think it’s out of the question this year. Next year is looking better!
  4. Anything heavy that’s available.
  5. Thank you! Yes or for tooling leather.
  6. Looking good for a short time. I would suggest beveling deeper to give your carving some 3D effect. Right now it looks as if you’re just using your swivel knife to outline your design. it appears flat, as opposed to having some relief. Otherwise, good work and welcome.
  7. immiketoo

    Ammo pouch

    Super clean!
  8. Thank you! This hooks are plenty heavy for sure! Whatever works, right?
  9. Thank you!
  10. Aww thank you! Thanks Bruce! I sure miss you guys! Say hi to Rundi for me! I hope to come back soon!
  11. Thank you! Feels good man!
  12. Thank you! Thank you. Whatever heavy object I can get my hands on. These are filled with copper blanks I salvaged.
  13. These are bench weights to keep your leather from moving around while you tool it.
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