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About KingDominoQ

  • Birthday 11/28/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio, TX
  • Interests
    Armor, knives, tattoos and steampunk

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Mucking it all up
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything I guess
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Tandy leather and google

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  1. Been very long since I came here... It's good to be back

    1. Lavendara


      Welcome back to the craziness. :)

  2. So a coworker handed me a flask of an odd shape, not your typical rectangle, and said can you make me a holder for it? Sure ... A week later same coworker asks if I can incorporate a cover for the flask. Why not? The result is the double barrel flask cover/holster combo. The cover flap has two snap tops which one snaps to the cover and the other snaps to the holster. The rest of my photos, the better ones, are on my phone and will be added a bit later.
  3. Nice, looks good, reminds of my 550 cord braiding days
  4. Looks good... Can't wait to see more from ya
  5. Just the challenge to come back to the forums with. I am late and feel horrible for dropping out of my turn to run a challenge... Will post pictures of what my mask looks like so far tomorrow morning
  6. Hello all, sorry I have been away lately been a pretty crazy few weeks... Will post some sketches soon....
  7. Sounds like fun... Rawer!
  8. I think the sandpaper looks pretty darn good. Can't wait to see it finalized On another note, with the way my month has been I am going to have to push the steam punk challenge back a month... Too much going on with my normal job I haven't had time to work leather and I will barely be able to start this months challenge.
  9. Not bad Chris. Ok so I finally drew something while I supposed to be listening to the most boring person lecture in things that I could teach her about and now I have to think about what to have her bursting through
  10. Ok I feel like a jerk wad. I have been giving advice and still haven't posted what I am going to do... Sorry... Will post in a few
  11. If I was wearing a hat my friend it would be off to you... Don't you just love turning a practice piece into something more than decorum
  12. Do another one attached to a lions body and you got one fierce looking griffon... Awesome looking piece
  13. No problem with the feed backs Cheryl, all those years of art class kind of stuck with me I guess... Still haven't decided on what I am going to carve for this challenge... Toss up between an assassin's hidden blade puncturing through the leather or a battering ram through "wood". I think that battering ram would be fun since I could carve some shrapnel/wood chips flying toward the viewer but I am partial to the assassin's hidden blade
  14. So I may be a bit late on this but here goes a little feedback for the horsey bit... The burst area has more volume than the hole would provide, so if you were to put the shards back together without the horse there would be some extra. If is not too late to change to bring the overall look of the piece together you might want to change the angle of the horse from a side view to a three quarters view. This way the overall image doesn't make it seem like there is miles inbetween the back and front. As it shows now with the drawings it looks as though sometime while being chased the horse pulls a sharp turn. Sorry if this is late. Can't wait to see it
  15. I like the idea but from the angle in the picture it is really just a cat butt... Perspective wise good work. Can't wait to see the project
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