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    perth australia

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  1. I'm sure its one of Sergy's stamps
  2. I'm looking for Al Stohlmans book "Making Leather Animals. I saw a post reply from you offering to email a copy. Can/Are you still willing too ? If so please send me one at.......... rawhidebraider64@gmail.com

    Thank you

    1. howie696


      done, let me know if the email goes missing



  3. this works for me, just a drop of epoxy to glue it in
  4. Just wondering how do I purchase a set for the 3200? TIA
  5. no probs, share ideas around as much as we can :-)
  6. Brian instead of a squeegie you can cut a piece of rubber, I'll show you how this works at the next meeting cheers Howard
  7. I have both copies, and the 1951 copy is definitely clearer, its like the 76 has been photo copied too many times, its usable but the 51 is nice imho
  8. they hve it from 1/8" up I use the 6mm and the 8mm it shrinks to 33%
  9. In Australia if you go to JAYCARS they sell heat shrink with a heat activated glue, they call it double skinned - {I think}, when you use it the glue melts and solves the problem of the tubing sliding off
  10. You can find all that on youtube for free
  11. I just burnish and dye, edge kote seems to crack off
  12. Have you tried Birdsall's they are in NSW
  13. Yes they are a much better blade, then also fit the strap cutters, lace cutters etc
  14. Use the shick injector blades they are much better But the best is something like this https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/257475163/angular-skiving-knife-vergez?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=skiving knife&ref=sr_gallery_2
  15. they look down right dangerous
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