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Everything posted by BadW0lf

  1. Looks like you've got all the necessities! lol I love the designs.
  2. Wow - this is just beautiful! Once I get the basics down I'm going to start making tack for my ponies; I can only hope it will be half as fancy and nice!
  3. What is the easiest technique for saddle stitching without having a stitching pony? Or should I just make one? Thanks!
  4. Do you have a link for bearman's stylus???
  5. How the heck do I do this kind of dye job?!?! I can't figure out how to post a pic, so here's a link... http://www.etsy.com/listing/81156357/upcycled-leather-jewelry-cuff-spring?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share
  6. Thank you! Is it the Stylus Awl???
  7. OMG - We have a leather store AND a guild?! How did I not know this?! Aah - I'm busy next Wednesday - I'll shoot for November. Are there any other meet ups in the area?!?!
  8. Is there a link for the stylus everyone is recommending?
  9. Would it give you the same effect if you dye the leather and THEN carve into it???
  10. Awesome! I was literally thinking of how to transfer the design in ink or something, but that makes much more sense! Thank you!
  11. I've been looking at stamp sets - hoping to get more soon. I'll look into a maul as well. One big question - what on earth do you use to transfer patterns to carve?!?!
  12. Wow - that breast strap is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it looks amazing as is.
  13. Wow - that is amazing!!! They're so detailed!
  14. I am totally new to leatherwork, but do all sorts of crafting. It just looks so cool I had to try it out!!! I got this starter set from Springfield Leather: http://springfieldleather.com/29315/Starter-Set%2CProfessional%2CDelux/ Are there any tools not included there that are must-haves??? I saw the sticky coaster tutorial on the main page - it is exactly what I'm looking for and I'm gonna give that a try first. Does anyone know of any other tutorials that are similarly laid out? I need pics to learn - text alone just wasn't doing it for me... Thank you!!!!! ~Kate
  15. I just got my tools and this will be the first thing I try. Thanks so much for the super easy-to-follow steps, it's exactly what I was looking for!!!! ~Kate
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