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Hansons Carriage

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About Hansons Carriage

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  • Birthday 03/17/1961

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    Marion, MT
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, harness, carriage and sleigh restoration, upholstery, saddles, draft horses, antique aircraft

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  1. Nothing that I recognize for a #1. John
  2. I'd love to have a good copy of a manual, but there's no way in hell I'm interested in paying $50!! I'll keep on with my old copy with the grainy pictures! I'll have to go see what my serial number is, mine came from a guy in Kansas. John
  3. Nice! About half of what I gave for mine! I'd love to have it, but I'd be sleeping out in the shop with it if I brought it home! John
  4. Yah, had me all excited there for a minute too!
  5. I'm getting the #6 back that came with our ranch when Dad bought it in the 40's. Can't wait! I've got a Landis #1 and it's a fine machine, but that particular Pearson has history with me, so it'll be good to get it home again. John
  6. I've got a handful of feet with mine too. A couple are single toed...haven't messed with them much. I'm going to second the word that Big Sioux said about the needle guide. They never seem to be with these machines anymore. It'll sew without it, but not as nice. They're a great machine and very tolerant of differing conditions. I'm using mine on harness a bunch and even down to some patent leather on show harness and it just clicks along! I'm running 346 synthetic thread top and bottom and it seems to be happy with it. I spent a couple days last spring, taking it apart and cleaning and lubing everything that moved...that made a huge difference in how well it performs! Glad to see another Landis #1 up and running, doing what it was made to do! John
  7. My 29-4 was working fine, and then I broke a needle. I had a pack of new Organ 29x3 needles. Out of desperation, I ground about 1/16 or more off the dull end of one and put it back in...low and behold it works great! My symptoms were that the thread would get all balled up under the plate....not sure that's what you have going on, but maybe worth a try. John
  8. Thanks, I can figure out something I bet! I've had very limited luck with the aluminum rivet...I'll try to get a pic of it sometime. I had a heck of a time getting the thread not to rub on the inside of it and cut.... just gotta get that radius on the ends.
  9. Big Sioux, do you have any close up pictures of the needle guides? I've been trying different designs to get the needle to settle down, but haven't really come up with anything that works consistently. I have nothing to go on though... If I can see it, I can probably build it. Right now, I'm getting by with an aluminum aircraft rivet that I've bored out to fit the needle. Thanks! John
  10. Didn't have my brain in gear yet.... you also should try Eli...he's got a bunch of Landis #1 parts! Landis Sales and Service 115 East Co. Rd. 500 North Arthur, Illinois 61911 Eli Schlabach (217) 543-3464
  11. Aaron Martin Supply carries needles. I'm not sure just where you'd find a shuttle. I do know that Aaron Martin carries Pearson #6 parts..such as a new shuttle.... I like my Landis #1...good machine! John Needles.... http://www.aaronmartin.com/product.php?cat_id=989&catview=136&submit=View
  12. I've actually found that I hand crank mine about as much as anything. It's a nice machine! John
  13. I sent a message to a friend that has one, who is a member here....maybe he can help you, Lostranger. John
  14. Beautiful! I've got 2 friends with Champions....wish I had one! (I just missed one, freshly rebuilt, for a couple hundred dollars!) I agree with the class of older machines. I run a Landis #1 and am working on a Pearson #6. Glad to see someone else crazy about the old stuff! John
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