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Everything posted by zenhas

  1. Sorry, sheath is in service already. I can't show you the knife. Yes, they are Sergey's stamps. I like his work. He make very good stamps for very reasonable price. ;)
  2. chuck123WAPATI> Definitely yes. Stamped with set from Sergey Neskromnly. He produce a lot of very good stamps.
  3. Just a simple knife sheath, he told me. So I made it simple.
  4. Customer sent me his favorite wallet. Told, it's way too tired and asked me, if I can make copy for him. We both were surprised with the result. Here it is. For those, who hesitate, my work is on the right side. ;)
  5. 8 oz is way too heavy in my opinion. I use 5-6 oz for sporrans. When doing semi-formal, I use 5 - 6 oz for front and back and 4 oz for the gusset.
  6. Thank you all. Stone used as decoration is black flint, I brought from Dover during my Britain holiday trekking. As knife itself is 11cm long, rock is not as large as appear.
  7. Some time ago I forged a small blade. Then I put in the drawer where it spent a lot of time. Since I need a present for friend o' mine, I pulled the blade out its hideout, assembled the knife and also made neck sheath for it. Hope, she will like it.
  8. Oh dear. Exactly. Shit happens sometimes.
  9. Agree. It's very nice piece of steel. But the knife is not mine. It belongs to my friend. As the original sheath was not very comfortable for him, I made vertical one. It's more practical for him to carry it vertically.
  10. Haven't been there for a long time. Let me show you my last work. Benchmade Knives Snody Design 201 Activator custom vertical sheath.
  11. northmount> good deed. It will be useful for many beginners asking for such howto. One document is clearer than hunting that on the forum thread.
  12. When talked to the recipient of the sporran at the page beginning, I promised to make another. So, here it is.
  13. gmace99> Agree. I told that earlier. It was made as day sporran for the son of my friend. Pouch is about 20 percent smaller than regular sporrans.
  14. Sporran tassels, far as I know, have the only decorative meaning. Sporran is not and also never was a kind of ammo pouch. Since the kilt worn by Scottish highlanders had no pockets, they used sporrans for personal belongings. So it stands for a "pouch substitute". You probably mean cartridges which were carried in bellyboxes. But that's the really different thing.
  15. Looks good. It will be a little too heavy with a head on the front.
  16. Thanks. I covered it with multiple layers of Eco-Flo Antique gel. Smudged with cotton wool pad to achieve the effect. Then I applied Fiebing's Tan Kote as a finish.
  17. They have no real meaning. Just decoration.
  18. During my holiday in Highlands I promised to make a sporran for a friend. We lived in his house an I'd like to give him a kind of thanks. It's very first sporran I made. Sporran is based on pattern by James Smith, which I found on this forum.
  19. Today I saw very nice pattern (see picture). I suppose, it's some kind of stamping stuff, but can't imagine which tool to use. Anyone can tell how to do it?
  20. Few days ago I started my CAD and drew my first wallet. Transfered to leather and .... .....it works! I took a lot of inspiration on this forum prior to the try. Thanks all for that.
  21. Thanks a lot. New owner is also very satisfied.
  22. Just finished a strap for my friend. LINE 6 Relay G55 pouch is on the back. Wooden dummy transmitter is inserted. As I don't own bass, I had to use my LTD EC-401 as a model.
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