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About flhx06

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  • Location
    San Rafael, Ca

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Golf Scorecard Holders, Wallets & notebook covers

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  1. I just got my RM leather mesh roller. I’m excited to use it however how does everyone else clean theirs after they use it?
  2. Thanks! I welcome the feedback, so thanks! I struggle with thinning down leather. I’m not there yet. As for the edges, I struggle with that too. I’ve done edge painting on this in the past but it doesn’t look right to me because the leather is thin.
  3. Thank you. Thanks. This one is going onto my Etsy page.
  4. Just finished this. Veg Tanned Leather finished with Smiths Leather Balm. No staining. Edge painting with Fenice edge paint.
  5. I just checked the BuckleGuy website.....their product is Fenice.
  6. Thanks again for the tips Ferg. I will need to find out what brand my paint is. I buy it from BuckleGuy and they sell it in their own bottles. I doubt it is thier own concoction though. Great tip about the cold water vs. warm or hot too. Thank you. Left side meaning the inside cover or the backside? Thanks! I do have multiples of them...a few. I plan on sending one to the head pro soon. I make a trip there once a year so it would be cool to see my stuff for sale in the pro shops there! I do struggle with durability though. Thanks for the compliment!
  7. Ferg, You are spot on...I did round the edges a little and didnt take the paint to the end. I tried to fill in the ends afterwards. My next one I will leave the edges flat. I will also try the clear sealer. Sounds like that will be an easier first coat to apply. Any tips on how you clean up any overage on the sides? Thanks!
  8. I'm going to check to see if mine is bound up with paint etc. Thanks for the tip. I think I am going to order one of those. $25 is a small price to pay to achieve perfection
  9. Very cool wallet design! And very nice clean work! Does it hold cash?
  10. Love how all the colors come together. Tie together nicely. Great finish work too. Doesn’t look like an easy pattern to pull off.
  11. Very clean. That stitching is perfect. Very clever design too.
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