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Everything posted by DoubleBarP

  1. Ghost soldier: Just wanted to say THANK YOU For cleaning up some of thedrawings and converting the PDF files to images. I hope everyone here finds use in the efforts to do this.. As you said, it is about sharing. I think it is important so Leatherwork does not become a lost art. Being a craftsman (non-gender specific term which includes both male and female genders. Used simply for the sake of brevity) is in my view slipping away from us. Kudos to all who strive to not let that happen... DBP
  2. PDF of Sap traceing... for pattern.. DBP sap pattern.pdf
  3. Rock: After looking at the photo I decided to trace it on a sheet of paper and make a pdf image of it. You should be able to just print and use that as a pattern to start with.. When I started and still do find making a pattern a challenge.. So I'm willing to help if I can. PM me your email address and I'll send it as soon as I get it done... DBP
  4. Gunter; I will need an email address to send you the files via email. DBP
  5. Rob: e.t.a.l I moved the files all to one folder and send you a link to down load. Let me know if it worked please... DPB
  6. Rob: did the sky drive link work? If so that would be great! DPB
  7. UpDate... Well the CD arrived. There are 30 some files I have received. Theymostly consist of Military holsters, Some US Cav Saddles, Bridles, and otherhorse tac I was interested in… Rob aka… “Ghostsolider” has cleaned some of them up very nicely (Thanksagain). I said I would be willing toshare but uploading them one at a time is going to be a time consuming pain. I have saved them to my drive and am willing to email or if someone (administrator)has an alternative I am willing to listen... Thanks DBP
  8. Took me a few days to find it. Bottom of a holster box.... I photographed it on an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper with a ruler for scale. Let me know if I can help any more. Did not try to scan it. Would if the photo dosn't work..
  9. Dale: I read your post with some interest. I just retired and my wife told me to GET a HOBBY. So I'm a novice leather guy. I have gravitated towards CC holsters as my career gave me insight into what works and what doesn't when it comes to CCW… Now building them is a whole new challenge, keeping my mind and hands busy… I have found that when someone tells me about their dream holster asking me if I could build one. I pull out my photo of a pile / box of holsters and tell them the "perfect" one doesn't exist. The application determines the holster. Work space… I have a 30X70 basement. My new hobby has taken over almost a third of it… Stitcher, patch machine, cutting table, TV (when I'm doing edge work), gluing table, also holds buffer, and drill press. Holster press next to that. Vacuum cleaner… and leather supply… Finish area is by sink in other corner. Drying area near that… Now to my point. I have a buddy that makes and repairs canvas for camper tops. In fact he does business all over the US… He bought a bowling alley, cleaned it out and has that setup for his shop…. And he mostly does new stuff, some repair… In a conversation once I asked him why not more repair work… He advised that the customer does not care about his machines and they never bring in clean canvas to sew. It is always full of some sort of gravel or other substance that is hard on the machines….He refers that business to the Amish fellow 5 miles away… Good Luck with your hobby. PS: Are youlooking to make horse tac or leather products in general… I have an interest in Tac but never madeanything… gonna do some spur straps soon…
  10. I have something that looks just like this. It is a us military pattern. Will need an email address to send. It is an Arsonel drawing / blue print. they are not the BEST but hey are pretty good drawing....
  11. I will have an origional drawing / pattern for the M1911 holster (pictured) in a few days... Will ge glad to share if you still need it... Will need an email address to send it to.... DBP I will have an origional drawing / pattern for the M1911 holster (pictured) in a few days... Will ge glad to share if you still need it... Will need an email address to send it to.... DBP
  12. I've got a couple of old Sap here somewhere. Could take some close up photos if you like to make a pattern... they are not exactly like your photos but close... They were carried some years ago before TASERS were invented. LOL Let me know..
  13. Update. I talked with the museum. She is sending me a cd with some drawing on it... Although the 1858 stuff was not available as it was before the Fort was built.... Bottom line she was very helpful and went beyond the call of duty to help me out.... I will be glad to share what she sends me if there is an interest... Regards DBP PS... the scale for some of the drawings is different based on when the drawing was made... Most of the ones I received have a scale in the bottom of the drawing...(like a map legend)
  14. Mike; That is so nice of you to share the pattern... I have written to them but no response as yet... Thank you for shareing... Did you by chance get any other drawings your willing to share? Would just save her talking to the rest of us one at time.... LOL... thanks again... DBP:You_Rock_Emoticon:
  15. Rob: I have managed to come up with a little better image of the pattern...I cannot read the drawing number but am attempting to get more info.... In the mean time you want to try your magic on this image? Thanks DBP
  16. Interesting topic. Iwas just talking to a friend of mine today asking him if he had ever considered teaching a class.. I would want to attend. He advised he would have to charge a significant fee as he would be losing money as he was not working and being productive in his shop.. That said as a LEO instructor that has taught adults physicalskills since the late 70's I have some experience in this area. I wish there was a class so I could attend…instructed by a competent instructor who is also a craftsman in the true sense of the word. Being someone who has dabbled in leather for years I have just enough knowledge to really mess a project up.. It was only after I retired that I had time to devote all my attention to my new found hobby, Holster building... My friend told me on one ocassion its's not something I can tell you how to do. I can show you and then you need to just do it... Just start praticing. It was one of the best things I have ever learned from him about leather. You get bettery by doing (useing your hands).. But I guess that goes for any true Craftmanship. It takes pratice... The way my mind works and the way I teach somewhatcomplicated topics is to break it up (the task) into small steps.. For that it means break the steps of holster construction down into a list of steps so I did not forget one and jump ahead or skip a step and forget to put in a snap or t-nut… Now that I have done a few dozen holsters I don't have to use my "recipe" or checklist everytime.. Now the good stuff: First pick a project.. ie, pancake holster, or glass coasters what ever the topic. Next assemble the materials so it can be completed in a day or two… Now just document the steps in a logical sequence that can be followed to complete the project… I think electrathon hit it on the head when he said keep it short and simple. Adults (males) sometime have trouble following instructions and just forge ahead…. Then there is an occasional oops and we need a new piece.. I like your idea and based on the way my mind works I would make an outline which includes, course goal, objectives, and performance standards that you hope to achieve.. IE. At the end of this course of instruction the learner will be able to: Determine Leather Wt based on measureing technique Properly case leather for tooling Dye leather Stitch leather using the saddle stitch.. You get the point… Most of all consider that the students as adults bring various experiences and expectations to the class and use that while considering there is more than one way to do something right… I say it this way. It's not the way to do it but A way to do it… Keep us posted I would be interested in what you come up with…
  17. I am into black powder hunting as well.. Would love to have a copy...if that could be arranged.... double_bar_p@yahoo dot com
  18. A year or so ago I was at the US 7th Cav Museum in Sturgis South Dakota (http://fortmeademuseum.org/fmm/). They have lots of photos there and have boots, saddles and other tac on display. They even have an old Harley in the basement on display... Now I wish I had taken some photos. I don’t know they would be of anyhelp but It would not hurt to ask… DBP
  19. I read a quote somewhere once about those who work with their hands. I believe it was St.Francis of Assissi who said: "He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist". While I don't pretend to know what your items are although Ido think I recognize Spidy :-)… You seem to fit the definition of artist based on the above definitions… That same definition applies to lots of folks here. Even more so because they all seem to share knowledge and constructive criticism very unselfishly, so those of us who want to get better may do so. Any time someone starts to learn a new skill set that involves artistic / craftsmanship it usually involves an apprenticeship of some sort. I've learned a lot here from those folks that want to help… Bottom line, do something that makes you feel good inside and that you can be proud of as an accomplishment.. Good luck in whatever direction you choose to go.. DBP
  20. Ok, I give up. What are you trying to do? Is it tan a hide, or flesh it. Do you have a fleshhing board? If that is what your trying to accomplish I would suggest you do some leg work and see if there is a Trapper's Association in the state where you live. I have done some trapping in the past and cleaning / streching hides is part of that process... We usually dont freeze them first tho... lol.. Someone else mentioned talking with a taxidermist. That may also be a good idea.. Or better yet take a trapper safety course and lear to do it from some "experts"... Most trappers are very helpful and will share their knowledge...
  21. I did some research on this unit a few years ago. There was a lot of noise when it was announced. That soon fizzeled... I emailed them and they would have been happy to sell me one but could provide no reference in Wisconsin so I could ask additional questions of a happy user... I know a professional holster maker who has No 1 and he likes it but dosnt use it everyday.... I did look at his and it is built like a tank... Not trying to dis them, just relate my personal expireance... If one could get it cheap enough it would be better than hand stitching... Just Sayin...
  22. Was going to send an email but your "unlisted"... What sort of carry does he normally use.. Open carrry or concealed carry? The link you posted are for vintage border patrol style holsters.... How high do you want it to ride on the belt? Type of retaining strap if any? belt size as in how wide?. More info may result in more response.
  23. I am a wheel gun fan and like the cartridge loops verymuch. I like the holster design, thumb break and all. Very nice basket weave onthe design. The rig is what I would describe as "Old School". From a personal perspective I would have covered the trigger (or at leasthalf). Based on current LEO firearms training a covered trigger guard is amust... Just me tho. Very professional job indeed. DBP
  24. I am a wheel gun fan and like the cartridge loops verymuch. I like the holster design, thumb break and all. Very nice basket weave onthe design. The rig is what I would describe as "Old School". From a personal perspective I would have covered the trigger (or at leasthalf). Based on current LEO firearms training a covered trigger guard is amust... Just me tho. Very professional job indeed. DBP
  25. My thanks to all for the replys. I let it cook out in the shed for a little over two weeks before I tryed it. The 4 steel wool pads completely disolved leaving only a few "bits" of residue which came out when I strained it. the color is sort of like coffee or dark tea...I wore gloves when dipping the projects. Dont want my hands turning color... I did not heat it up but will try that right away to see if that helps any, then let it "breath"... I am gonna try the baking soda bath and see if that helps with the current projects. Too bad I didn't know about the bath befire I sealed the pocket holster.... ... The items are already molded and sealed. It was during the drying process that I discovered the smell.. Guess I'm gonna see what works. Again Thanks for the help. DBP
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