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About kellyblues

  • Birthday 10/29/1969

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  1. Got my leather yesterday! It's nice stuff. The split is very even. The fibers on the back side are really tight. And boy is it dry... and it takes dye really well and even. I will be locking myself inside all weekend now. Haha
  2. The paasche VL is the one I've been eyeballing. Wanting a double action and range of use it looks like the best bang for the buck. And fading is a must. Thanks for the detailed response. I have zero complaints about my old HF airbrush. I think I paid like $15 for it probably 10 years ago. For the money ya can't beat it really. The only drawback is it's never had much control. But for 15 bucks I got used to it. I've actually looked at HF's " deluxe " model, wooooohooo. It's $25 Hahaha.
  3. I will soon be replacing my air brush ( old harbor fright ) with a new one and wondering what brand / model others are using. Thanks in advance for your time
  4. Still dig it. Lol
  5. That's cool! He definitely has a one of a kind.
  6. I've made lots of good stuff with good ole Tandy leather. I have a project that I really want to nail, really make it pop. So I called W &C and got some samples. I had a hoot with those pieces. The workability alone blew me away. I noticed how light the veg tan is, and that's what I ordered. Looks like it will dye well.
  7. Well to date all I've used is the cheapest stuff I could find at Tandy so I'm looking forward to getting this.
  8. I just placed my first order with W&C. I'm super excited and can't wait to work with it. Off to the hibernation chamber so the wait doesn't drive me nuts.
  9. I had that same thought
  10. +1. Stick to what you set up and it's easy.
  11. Okay, I'm glad someone here is looking at that. I was gonna make myself drive to get it. That isn't a machine to let pass you by. Haven't seen one in a good number of years.
  12. Only part I can make out for sure is it was made by a company in Michigan. Any info out there?
  13. I've been a professional mechanic all of my adult life. It's taken a toll on my hands. And my elbows,kness , back and shoulders. If I have a large project to tool I do it in stages. I've gotten pretty good at covering parts with saran wrap and letting my hands rest.
  14. First thing I ever tooled was when I took a class several years ago with Jim Linnell during the IFLOG show in Indianapolis. I had made small pouches and such for years before I got into tooling. This is my very first tooling in my life.
  15. It looks like a clone of a juki ddl 5550 or similar. Needle feed but no walking foot. Also is likely to be designed for high speed stitching. That's what I'm seeing. Hopefully one of the regular SMG's on the board will chime in. I have 3-4 DDL-5550 automatics and 2 manuals. The heads look almost identical to that.
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