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Everything posted by DJ1935

  1. DJ1935

    Rein Rounder

    Hi, I've only ever heard of a Rein Rounder, could you please explain a bit more about your round breaking rolls. Thank you.
  2. There was a post here some time back about Rein Rounders but it seems to have disapeared. Rounders seem to be an extinct species here in New Zealand, I have never seen one, even in a Museum. The only new ones I have found are the Heritage ones through Weavers. Having never set my paws on one and it is difficult to judge quality by looking at a book page can someone please give me their two cents worth on them. I have posted a Wanted for an old Osborne Rounder elsewhere, do Osborne still make them?. Thank you DJ
  3. DJ1935

    Rein Rounder

    Looking for an Osborne, or similar Rein Rounder. Dont mind if it needs repairing. Thank you DJ
  4. I'd like to wish everyone involved in the Leatherworker.net a very Merry Christmas and thank you to you all for your hard work and effort in producing, and maintaining this amazing website so we can all enjoy it. A special thank you to Johanne, for making it all happen and to Bruce Johnson and Barra for answering endless (silly!?) questions without so much as lifting an eyebrow. Hope you all enjoy a well-deserved break. Best Wishes DJ
  5. I read an earlier post here some time ago about selling on consignment and noted the replies with a bit of interest as I have nearly all of my work out on consignment in five shops within 100 miles of home. The last shop to take some of my belts was a new craft/cafe in town, well presented and in a good position for foot traffic. The Cafe was well patronised and very popular. This morning I received a phone call from one of the staff at the craft shop asking me to please come down and pick up my goods asap today. I had no reason to travel in to town today so asked if tommorrow would be alright. No, today! No explaination. I carried on working until lunchtime and then grudgingly drove down to the shop. The Cafe was boarded up and shut and the craft shop doors closed. Upon knocking I was let in and met by something I've never seen before. There were bouncer type guys in black suits dotted about watching a small number of artisans quickly packing up their articles and noting everything. It was obvious the place had been closed in a hurry, the staff were distraught. I was able to get my belts off the wall, after a bit of a confrontation with one of the men in black and was leaving the shop when the very upset owner came over. She was determined to see all the Artisans get their goods back before the end of the day - if we left it till later we would not have got anything. This was certainally a wake up call for me - will be reviewing my position on consignment after today! DJ
  6. An elderly gentleman bought this in, along with two steel boxes, and asked if I could make two new ones. They are Panniers for his pre 1900 French built motorised bicycle which has been in the family since new and which he is currently restoring. The panniers are unusual in that the steel box is on the outside, the inner being cardboard with the leather sewn on. With a bit of muttering the whole thing folds up and fits inside and is riveted through the steel. The original was very decayed and making a pattern was difficult, not the least bit helped by the owner having nailed it to the plywood! However I got there and the new ones look quite well. I'm hoping to get some photos of the bicycle when it is finished, will post one here.
  7. Ha ha Barra! yes good old Skippy "the bush Kangaroo" (I can still remember that damned tune!). As the nearest I have gotten to a Kangaroo is a 100 metre roll of black thonging can you please tell me if they actually make that horrible T T T T T T T T T T T that used to drive Mother mad when we sat in front of the good old Thorn in all it's black and white glory. Then there was good old "Flipper". I have had a bit to do with Dolphins and havent come across one yet that pokes it's head out of the water and goes AAAACCKAAAAAACCKKKK! Whilst on the subject why do film makers think horses neigh continually whenever there are more than two in a scene - sometimes when there is only one! T T T T T T T T!! DJ
  8. Has someone got an email address for Creative Leatherworks? I have Pm'd Henry, he might not be watching, and cannot access the contact details on their website. Thanks.
  9. This A1 Pearson & Co machine appeared on TradeMe last week. It was described as working condition and with handbook and spare bobbins etc. I believe Pearson and Bennion merged with the USMC in 1899 to form the BUSMC so this machine must predate that. Unfortunately I was too late to bid - it sold for a measley $NZ 100. Will be kicking myself for a few weeks! DJ
  10. DJ1935


    I ordered a book from Hidecrafters a few months ago. Not being familar with purchasing off websites I couldnt get the thing to work so emailed them about payment etc. They were most obliging, patient and helpful and quite willing to send the book halfway round the world. I would purchase from them again, no problem. Unfortunately I cannot say the same about Zack White's who didnt even bother to answer my email. Thank you Hidecrafter leather Company. DJ
  11. Hi Ray Halloween wasnt celebrated here in New Zealand when we were kids. It has only been "reinvented" in the last twenty years or so, mainly by the Warehouse (NZ's Wallmart) so they can sell more junk. The idea of family fun was a good one I guess, but as always, it has been ruined by a few idiots that should be old enough to know better. The same has happened to Guy Fawkes night which we used to look forward to as kids but now it has become a nightmare. Animals are subject to horrific injuries with fireworks and property damaged by lunatics with nothing between their ears. As for more parental control in NZ - yeah right! Parents here are no longer able to give their children a smack, tap on the hand or clip on the ear without fear of being taken to court. Mercifully we dont get kids turning up on the doorstep begging on Halloween, we're too far out of town. Several years ago I was riding our Quarter horse home after a visit to my friend in town. It was evening and I clicked as soon as I saw a Witch, an Ogre and a Ghost walking towards us that it was Halloween. My usually laid back mount however wasnt impressed with the Ghost in the white sheet and stopped and stared - his eyes boggling from his head. The Witch and Ogre passed by with no problems but the Ghost was getting a bit nervous and when my horse high blowed at it the Ghost screamed and ran off in the opposite direction crying out for it's mummy! I very nearly fell out of the saddle laughing. Trick or treat - Equine style! DJ
  12. It is almost sickening to think of what might have happened if that knife had made contact with you or your dog. About three months ago my Husband was "improving" our burnisher on a 5" grinder similar to yours. He had a pair of vice grips holding the shaft whilst he undid the nut holding the burnishing wheel. When it was all reassembled he flicked the switch, eager to see how his new invention worked. There was a heck of a bang and the vice grips, which he had forgotten about, hit him in the cheek chopping a great chunk of skin and flesh out. It cost a trip to the GP, about two hours for both of us and three stitches in his face. It could so easily have been a missing eye or teeth. Please be VERY careful out there!! DJ
  13. Can someone please tell me why my Dixon Plough Gauge cuts strapping on an angle. The blade is set correctly and sharp and the roller runs over the top of the hide. I cut my hides on a cloth sheet on a concrete floor - hard on your knees but I dont have a table big enough. It doesnt happen all the time and sometimes is not apparent until something is stitched as the needle often breaks out the side of the leather ruining all the previous effort and causing much muttering and waste. All help much appreciated. Thanks DJ
  14. Just wondering if someone can tell me the most common width and thickness for a pair of split reins. I have been making mine 5/8" wide out of W&C bridle (single thickness) but now find out that everyone wants heavier reins. As I cant source any thicker bridle leather I'm wondering do I sew two lengths together, if so all the way along or do I taper it off about half way and increase the width to 3/4". Some expert advice would be most appreciated. Thanks DJ
  15. Last time I ordered some dye I received a phone call from the Courier Depot asking if I was expecting a delivery. "Yes, two, one litre bottles of leather dye". Rather grumpy guy replies "how do we remove it"? Seems the packaging was severely lacking and the black dye had spilt out in the back of the delivery van liberally covering the deck and anything on it, plus the poor driver when he opened the van. It was not a pretty sight and Leather workers were not the best people in the world that day! However it wasnt my fault and I rang the firm who sent the order to let them know, both that their packaging needed reviewing and that I had only received about a cup full of black dye in a litre bottle. They were not at all interested and I never even got an apology let alone a refund for the lost dye. Thankfully the delivery company were more understanding and it has become a bit of a joke now. DJ
  16. I had a go at making a pair of Spur Straps over the weekend, just for something different to do. Today I thought I'd better try them on my boots to make sure they fit! It then occured to me that the boots were probably going to be more interesting to alot of people than my straps. In 2001 I was about to enter my first Western Performance Show and hauled my boots out of storage only to find something evil had chewed most of the surface off the leather. Our local Saddlery was out of my size boots with a three week wait for more stock. A small panic started, then I remembered an elderly gent whom I had come across some time before who had mentioned that he had a pair of Western boots. I called in on the couple who were a bit suprised to see me but when I mentioned borrowing his boots the old boy's eyes lit up and he exclaimed " my wife's been trying to get rid of those for years"! In 1969 he had headed a group of exchange New Zealand Rotary Members to Fort Worth, Texas. Upon arrival in Texas each of the visitors was gifted a pair of Justin leather Western Boots and a genuine Stetson hat. These were only worn on the Aeroplane home and spent the next 33 years languishing in his wardrobe. The boots still had the full can of E Z E On spray with them. The boots fitted perfectly and I left their house with them firmly in my grasp, feeling like the cat with the proverbial Canary. Suddenly the wife called out "oh dont forget your hat"! The Stetson was plonked on my head. It's not often that I am stuck for words but just for a moment ......................! I wore the boots and hat for that Show and we got a ribbon for second place. Just recently the gentleman passed away, in his mid 90's. Does anyone know if the Justin Boot Company is still in business? Their boots certainally have lasted well. DJ
  17. Chuck, if you havent already found the hooks Ryans Products have them. Snap hooks and metal hardware - Sam Browne Hardware. DJ
  18. Hi Chuck I was asked a couple of weeks ago to make two 1861 Enfield Musket Slings. They have the single brass hook. I looked all over the globe for the hooks to no avail. My Husband ended up making some up from brass strap. Please let me know if you have any luck sourcing them. DJ
  19. It wasnt my best moment but it was sure the funniest thing ever. My girlfriend (6', blonde hair and blue eyed) and I were riding home on a dusty, winding back country road. It was a stinking hot day and my friend decided to put her bikini top on. "Here" she said "can you take Blackies reins". After a bit of fumbling she got out the bikini top and laid it out on the pommel of her saddle. "Can you hear any cars coming"? I strained my ears ....... "No". After more struggling her bra appeared from the sleeve of her shirt and was put away. "Are you sure there's no cars coming"? "Cant hear any". Vroooooooooop off came her T shirt just as a car load of youths appeared round the corner directly in front of us. The rest of our ride was completed in stoney silence and I spent many months trying to convince my friend that I hadnt heard any vehicles approaching. I still wonder what the conversation in the car was like on the rest of their ride - the day they saw Lady Godiva. Cheers DJ
  20. Hi Aaron Martin Harness have quite a few bits and pieces for these machines. Also Leightons in Canada might be able to help. Good luck with keeping your "old girl" going, they are awesome machines. DJ
  21. Hi Ray I thought you might like to see how your machine needles are made. I had no idea how much work went into it until I found this framed picture in our Museum. Cheers DJ
  22. You should be so lucky! We woke up to a -1C frost this morning and the temperature hasnt got much more above 10C all day. I've given up on working in the shed and come inside to light the fire. We dont normally get frosts here until August and usually only one or two, tonight looks to be the third in a row. Global warming - yeah right! Cheers DJ
  23. DJ1935

    Padded Noseband

    Thank you Barra. I'm actually looking for the sponge material used for the padded backing which goes against the horses' nose - usually on German made Crank type nosebands. The raised part is sewn to the front of this. DJ
  24. DJ1935

    Padded Noseband

    I've got a padded English type noseband and matching browband to make. Can any one tell me what is used for the padding on these? I have disected an old one and it has a white spongy material, about 1/4" thick and 1 1/4" wide. It has both edges rounded, suggesting that it came in a roll rather than cut from a sheet. Thanks in advance DJ.
  25. Hi Ian I was using M20 Barbour thread on the machine. A lady near us has one she uses for making purses and handbags with very light thread with no problems at all. Excellent machines for what they were designed for. DJ
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