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Everything posted by badLoveLeather

  1. I guarantee all my work for life. I also follow up that if it fails because of my work I'll fix it or replace it for free. Of the hundreds of products that I've sold over the years I've had a few things come back that I GLADLY fixed and handled. So far it hasn't broken me and I'm not afraid to stand behind my work. Mind you I don;t make things that get abusive daily wear but time will tell.
  2. Thanks for the input guys!
  3. Hartman luggage????
  4. Hi, Looking for 16 OZ thread in colors. Light Brown Tan Natural Red Neon Green Will be running it through an Addler machine. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks, Travis Poole Bad Love Leather
  5. I used Fiebings Pro Black and Pro Yellow to make the Olive. Lots of Yellow and add small amounts of black to get the proper olive. Be careful. Too much black and you need to add A LOT more yellow to make good. No Formula. Just been doing it by eye and test dye on veg. Travis
  6. Can be found here: Bad Love Leather Etsy and here: Bad Love Leather - Official
  7. Whenever I use that lace (same lace yer talking about) I just run it through a waxed canvas and it handles the fuzz on the backside to a certain extent. plus whenever I'm lacing I try to use shorter pieces and seam to keep the lace fresh and looking good. I DO have a problem with that lace stretching a bit more than I'd like it to.
  8. Thats AWESOME!!!! Will that be in a movie?
  9. I have a Facebook page. I got tired of hammering m y regular friends list with my stuff. Besides the "Fan Page" has these cool stat's that you can access that show you how many people you reach and how many people see and interact with your stuff. Basically its a free web page. PLUS the pay per click ads I heard are a great deal too! Heres my page: Bad Love Leather Facebook
  10. The orangish brown leather there is Elephant
  11. Great! Thank You! - Travis
  12. I'm looking for a US company that sells Wild Boar Teeth/Tusks. I have a project that calls for three. I found a company in Niagara but they require a 75 minimum and my order was only $35. Any one know such company? Anyone want to go in on an order with me? Travis
  13. I've been using this 13/15oz saddle skirting to make belts. I don't know much about casing veg tan. Would it help if I cased the belt blanks to stiffen up the leather before dyeing? Also if I do that will the dye have a harder time penetrating the leather because the water has tightened up the pores? Any advice would help. Thanks, Travis
  14. Can't take any more photos Adam because I sent it off to my customer in Lancaster. It was about 7 inches wide by about 10 inches tall.
  15. I have a biker friend that feels he's as much of a Pirate as the good Captain Jack Sparrow. He's an everyday biker (is there any other kind?) and he lives by the biker code. So, he asked me to make this coin bag to hold his schillings and "other" items. Fun project.
  16. Forever grateful to Jerry Van Amburg of Van Amburg Leathers for teaching me how to fish. One American Leather Craftsman passing on the gift to keep American Hand Made leatherwork going! Thank You Jerry!
  17. Forever grateful to Jerry Van Amburg of Van Amburg Leathers for teaching me how to fish. One American Leather Craftsman passing on the gift to keep American Hand Made leatherwork going! Thank You Jerry!

    1. UKRay


      The world needs more fishermen...

  18. Hi. I'm dyeing a belt with Fiebings Mahogany oil dye. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good edge dressing? I mixed a custom color with Angelus leather paint but its not close enough for my liking. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Travis Poole Bad Love Leather
  19. Thanks for the suggestions. Anyone else have any input?
  20. I posted a while back but I can't find that post. I'm looking for another motor to put in my Singer 111. Preferrably a motor that has a 1 through 10 dial to control the speed. The machine is a walking foot machine so I wanted a motor I could dial instead of going the pulley route. Any ideas?
  21. I use Barge Cement for a lot of what I do. Sometimes the time between projects is a little long and my garage studio is always close to the temperature of the outside. So if its close to 100 the studio is an oven and when its close to 40 the studio is a tomb. This temperature plays havoc on my glue pot. While I do try to keep it in the best part of the studio the climate still affects glue. When its hot it evaporates off the Toulene (solvent ingredient in Barge) and when its cold the glue is like thick unmanageable molasses. I usually keep the 1 gallon can here and when I need it I need it. So, in order to work with the temperature changes and the fact that my glue pot its not always air tight I use thinner. I like to work with Barge that is a little thinner in consistency. If you use and purchase Barge then chances are you can get a can of thinner. I usually use the thinner when the glue is clumping together much like elephant boogers. What I've found is, using the thinner can make my glue last a lot longer. Which these days is good on the pocket. I pour the thinner directly in the glue pot and use a plastic spoon ( stirring utensil is up to u, I used one my wife wouldn't miss.). Stir the glue and pull the spoon out to see the glue drip off. I like it thinner so i like to see a spoonful drip off fairly quick. Once you reach the desired consistency keep stirring for the solvent to mix with the glue. This usually takes about 10 minutes or so to be through. ********Because Barge and the Thinner are Solvent based items, PLEASE ALWAYS do this in a WELL VENTILATED space. Your brain will thank you later**************
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