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Everything posted by badLoveLeather

  1. Did you see the post in the exotic skins section?
  2. How do you like this one? All Cowhide. The outer is a cool bull shoulder that I get from a local leather supplier. i have to skive it because its 5-6oz and then i dye it The inner is matte cowhide for the big cash pocket and matte Kangaroo for the CC's and a nice Italian calf camouflage that is thin as paper. Single Loop cowhide lace. Basic. Travis Poole Bad Love Leather
  3. I've been busy. Here is a gang of wallets that I have finished since my last post. I also posted something about the python skin wallet I finished tonight in the Exotic Skin section of this board.
  4. I just realized that its been four months since I got this skin. i had most of it cut and on my bench waiting to be assembled. Funny how time files. So these are the photos of one of a few finished products that i will make with this amazing African Python skin. All hand sewn, hand stitched, hand laced. Python outer Kangaroo Inner Ostrich Leg pockets & Accents
  5. Good Job! Sleep is good. I wish i had more these days. Work is WAYYYYYY! Over rated. BUT they pay my bills for now. can;t wait to see more.
  6. Yea, yer gonna burn through some skins. I make wallets. They need to be as thin as possible because we all know that sum of the parts make the whole. Often at my local leather supplier I find GREAT skins to make wallets out of BUT the are too thick. I've skived out 5-6 oz skins to 2-3 oz or less just to get what I need. I usually skive out an area about 12"x7" Here are some photos of my tool. Its a cheap tool called a Skife and is available though anyone that carries CS Osbourne tools. The blades are disposable and this technique for me takes practice and its a lot like shaving. Although i don;t shave (which i complain about all the time but my friends tell me I'm lucky!) I get the blades about .25 per blade and I use new blades always. Sharper the better. IT TAKES PRACTICE!!!!! Don;t give yerself a hard time. There have been a many wallet blank that i was almost done with and I sent the blade right through the skin. This doesn't make me happy.
  7. Spider. Sometimes Leather has fur on it before they shave it just so you know.
  8. First off i would like to say I'm sorry to hear of your common shared hand malady. I've been suffering from it too and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. i ride a motorcycle everyday, sit in frot of a computer AND come home and do about 5 hours of leather work a night sometimes. SO, I now get the wrist tingleys, and I got a good gangelon cist growin that gets up to the size of a pea when really aggitated. Nice huh? I feel old when this happens. Most of the people are right who graciously responded. See a doctor. Do other exercises and seek alternative solutions. Take it easy if you have to. I find that actually socializing outside of my little leather shop gives me a well needed rest. I've been hammerin away a lot lately and my friends wonder what has become of me. I hope it gets better for you or at least is not so bad. Best of Luck!!! Travis
  9. Probably got a lot of "White" people there too huh?
  10. Thanks everyone for your help. I'm movin in the right direction now for what i need!!!! another GREAT reason why I joined and continue to stay connected to this board!!!! My greatest thanks to those that put this on!!!!
  11. I'd be looking for a consitant supply as I'm looking to add this color to a line of products I'm working on.
  12. They are magic. No really. they are. Thanks for sharing those photos. Something you don't see often.
  13. Whats their url? www.hidecrafter.com????
  14. Does anyone know where I can find grey Calf or Kangaroo lace? Grey color or even a cool metallic would work. Thanks - Travis - Bad Love Leather
  15. Do you have a good source for neoprene foam?
  16. Necessity is the the Mother of Invention isn't it?
  17. What backgrounder tool did you use?
  18. I usually take a dauber soaked with lace and stick it between the thick rubber matts I have on my bench and take the lace and run it across the dauber a couple of times, i do this with a natural english calf lace I get. i also from time t time actually take and dye already colored lace to achieve different colors.
  19. I like the dog with the funny teeth. Every time I see that photo I laugh

  20. Thanks. Now all I need is to convince some customers with payola of my wallet coolness.
  21. This particular lace i buy red. I have hnad dyed lace before and its a pain in the but. Did you want me to show how?
  22. A couple of weeks ago I got my foot smashed by a Semi truck. I had a week off work. and a lot of time on my hands. So I started putting together about 25 wallets to sell on my site when I get it finished. This is the first of 25 that I will be finishing this week. Black Elphant Red Frog Skin Pocket All Kangaroo lining with Red Double Loop lacing All Hand Sewn. All hand laced
  23. How do you get the feathered edge on the dye? Airbrush?
  24. I like your idea. I know the pain. I've had several pair of clears and sunglasses get eaten by the constant vibration of the saddlebag. One suggestion to your spec's box: It would look cool if you tooled the flap identically like the box so when its closed it looks complete. Make Sense?
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