First off i would like to say I'm sorry to hear of your common shared hand malady. I've been suffering from it too and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. i ride a motorcycle everyday, sit in frot of a computer AND come home and do about 5 hours of leather work a night sometimes. SO, I now get the wrist tingleys, and I got a good gangelon cist growin that gets up to the size of a pea when really aggitated. Nice huh? I feel old when this happens.
Most of the people are right who graciously responded. See a doctor. Do other exercises and seek alternative solutions.
Take it easy if you have to. I find that actually socializing outside of my little leather shop gives me a well needed rest. I've been hammerin away a lot lately and my friends wonder what has become of me.
I hope it gets better for you or at least is not so bad.
Best of Luck!!!