Just wanted to say hello to everyone and introduce myself.
I started doing leather work early last year. I wanted a bushcraft style sheath for my Becker BK2. That knife has gone with me everywhere over the years and I had a very specific design in mind. I found several I really liked but the prices were just out of my price range. I stumbled upon a video of Ian Atkinson making a leather sheath and hours later found myself still watching his videos. Watching his tutorials and reading forums made me realize I could just make my own sheath. I enjoyed making that sheath so much that I ended up making them for every knife I owned. A few months later I was out of stuff to make for myself and family members. Eventually people started offering me cash to make them customized holsters and sheaths.
Now here I am over a year later making sheaths, journals and misc things for people all over the world. What started off as a one off project has turned into a small business adventure and most likely a life long hobby.