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Everything posted by TwinOaks

  1. TwinOaks

    Mule Brenner

    Absolutely beautiful work Kathy. My favorite part is the eyes, and how you've colored them to portray reflection of light on a rounded surface--- or are they extreme embossed to roundness, then coated with a clear laquer?
  2. Art, If the scissors won't cut longer lengths from the end/edge of the leather, could you double the leather before you make the cut? I know this will greatly depend on the weight of the leather, but for jackets, or any garment weight, it seems like a workable idea.
  3. Just got home and opened the goody box from Tandy- inside was my AS head knife. Out of the box it's purty dang sharp, but once I start on the stropping......yikes. cuts straight, curves, wavies, etc....and skives if you hold it right. On another thread, I said " why do you need one...I use ....". Well, now I know. Glad I paid the money for it, and I'm thinking of adding another when $$ allows.
  4. Gee, is that why the stitching holes I make with a cordless drill are all over the place?????
  5. Hey Roo, how do like that? Men complaining about size again!!!!
  6. If given the opportunity, I'd love to check out both DVD and book. So... put my name on the list too.
  7. While I am far from being a techno-wizard, I do have a bit of a nack with these computers. I've noticed on more than one occasion that our best artists often note that they are not proficient with computers, or even typing. For those who self define themselves into this category, I'd like to offer a few suggestions: 1. Unlike stamping leather, if you mess up something, or mispell something, you don't have to start over. Just backspace until the error is gone then start stamping...errrr...typing again. 2. When typing, quit hunting and pecking. Use a stamping tool to press the keys- pear shaders work well, as do the smaller backgrounders. Your hands have become accustomed to holding them, and prying your fingers apart and trying to teach them a new position is like trying to wet mold saddle skirting into a crisp 90 degree corner. Just use the tools. NOTE: DO NOT USE YOUR MALLET OR MAUL FOR THIS. 3. Do NOT case your computer. This is very bad for them, and will yield unsatisfactory results. 4. Do NOT apply sealers, deglazers, dyes, or finishes to your computer. See above. 5. If you do case your computer, by accident, don't try to stretch it from the back to fix the problem. 6. Yelling at it doesn't help. 7. Hitting it doesn't help, and may serve to only make it more beligerant. 8. DVDs and CDs are data storage devices, not concho blanks. 9. Hope this helps, and y'all have a nice afternoon. Mike
  8. Hey, no fair! I was gonna resize it.... Thanks Leatherloo, ya saved me some time! Scouter, I pulled the page to a graphics prog, and it already is the 'right' size....it seems okay if you save it to a file. I had a blown up image too, trying to print from the screen (here), but once I downloaded the file, it printed straight away, with no resizing needed.
  9. Here's mine- appologies for not taking pics of the naked carving. I got all excited about my first colored carving that I forgot to snap pre-color pix. Sharpie and artists' acrylic on tooled 6/7 vt.
  10. By that time I'll be done- NO DONKEY!!!! unless you like striped donkeys!!!! Just about set for the cova white. will post soon.
  11. Thanks Clay.....really. <g> Yep, challenging is certainly a word for it. whoo the embossing on this one is gonna be murder...but you'll show us how it's done, right?
  12. Nice pattern, Clay. As soon as I resize it, I'll get to it....oh yeah, and as soon as my leather gets here.... p.s. where's the figure carving challenge?????
  13. TwinOaks

    where is the join?

    I'd speculate on a lapped join cut at a diagonal so there's no 'line' across the leather.
  14. Hey, welcome to the forum! Very nice work there, I'm sure we'll enjoy your input here.
  15. TwinOaks

    Work bench

    I think Peter Main has the monopoly on ultimate workbench. Then built a shop around it. LOL Still, VERRRY nice bench.
  16. Okay, I read a few threads here and there, and decided to order one from Tandy. I'm getting the Stohlman head knife- should be here by Monday.
  17. I was recently bequeathed with a Viking 6000. It's stood up to many years of service for my Mom. It has the 'low gear' function, and I've got some Smetz needles for it ( size 110). Which thread size should I be looking to use, and what's the thickest leather I should attempt to sew with this set up. It's really nothing more than a home machine from back in the days when things were made to last, and I have no illusions about sewing armor bends with it. But I do appreciate some input as to what I should expect from it. My current needs are the occasional holster, cell phone cases, perhaps a wallet here and there. Thanks to all, Mike
  18. I get that all the time regarding pistols....like it's gonna jump outta the holster and go to town.
  19. Well, now that I've found this thread, I'll offer my own 2 green cents. Why do I need a head knife? Specifically, what type of cutting requires this configuration? Currently, I'm getting by with an exacto, a utility knife, and an old pocket knife an uncle gave me-using the modified sheepsfoot/wharncliff blade. Most of my cuts are pretty straight, with the occasional curve or wave and I'm getting by okay with these. Does the round knife/head knife really come into its own with the heavier leathers, like saddle skirting?TIA for enlightening a greenhorn.
  20. Water hardness? Do you know if there's any 'softeners' added to the water supply?
  21. OdorNix. Google it, then buy it. It took two bottles ( coverage area for a station wagon and a yellow lab) but I killed the skunk in one of my customer's cars when I worked at WalMart. She was kind enough to bring the dog with her, and guess who likes to jump up on people and say hi.
  22. In Guntersville, Al, there's a little salon called " Curl Up & Dye"
  23. Doctorate level edumacashun from the masters- online!!!
  24. Major hijack here, (sorry), but Ruger is releasing a new .380 in mid march- LCP is it's designation. Mostly a Keltec clone, but from Ruger, there ought not be any questions on quality/craftsmanship.
  25. Welcome to a terrific site! We're glad ya dropped in.
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