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About GleDel

  • Birthday 11/05/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lebbeke, Belgium

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belts, Wallets, handbags, custom work
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  1. Great pattern. Looks good and not to difficult to make.
  2. Goods Japan sells some circle cutters: http://www.goodsjapan.com/olfa-57b-cmp-1-compass-cicle-cutter--pin-blocking-centre-stabiliser--5-blades-1738-p.asp http://www.goodsjapan.com/olfa-186b-cmp-3-rotary-compass-cutter-to-cut-circles-in-fabric-leather-plastic-1830-p.asp http://www.goodsjapan.com/nt-cutter-ic-1500p-leathercraft-circle-compass-cutter-for-leather-with-6-blades-660-p.asp
  3. You can check this page http://www.masure.be/en/news-and-exhibitions for any upcoming open sales. You can buy shoulders by the piece on those moments. I'm not planning to go to Masure anytime soon since I have plenty of leather at home atm. You can also buy decent shoulders (And other ..) over here (http://www.dierenhuiden.be/index.php?action=home〈=NL)
  4. Yes I did.
  5. When the problem is resolved. Can i have access please? Thank you!
  6. This one i foud a while ago http://www.crafts-design.com/content/directdownload/Archery_Arm_Guard_(web).pdf
  7. Thank you for the info. Perhaps I can get a day off at work.
  8. Hello, I'm new to leather working. (One month or so) I would like to buy some (full-grain) vegetable tanned leather in Belgium. I was wondering if there are some actual shops or even tanneries where you can buy vegetable tanned leather. I know i can order online, but I would really prefer to see the leather before i buy it.
  9. I would like to get in aswell
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