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Everything posted by rickeyfro

  1. Thanks guys, this one was pretty fun to do. Rick
  2. Thanks Syd, look forward to seeing yours
  3. Can someone give me the web address for QED Specialty Lighting
  4. Thanks Syd, heres a couple more pics of it, just worked on it in between other projects so never really kept accurate time on it
  5. When you guys need to do a 90 degree bend do you use a gouge tool or can you get by with a french edger? Also can you recomend a quality v gouge?
  6. What I do is use a piece of 4 inch PVC pipe about 3 inches high with the top edge beveled to the inside, then I use a wooden disk that will fit inside of the pipe with enough clearance for whatever weight of leather im using for the endcaps, I wet the leather, lay it on the pipe, set the disk on top and tap it dowm the pipe until it bottoms out against a flat surface this has been working for me and its pretty simple
  7. Thanks Barry, I'll give him a call
  8. I need some help from you guys, Ive got a #3 & #4 Barry king common edger, Id like to complete the set of this style edger but after getting a few of Jeremiah Watts tools (not edgers) I really prefer his handles because I have pretty large hands, What Im trying to find out is size comparisons, it seems no two makers use a standard sizing method when it comes to edgers, so anyone who has edgers from each of these guys could you let me know which of Jeremiahs is closest to Barry's 3 & 4 so I dont end up with multiples of the same sizes while trying to get a set together. Thanks Rick
  9. Thanks for all the thumbs ups guys and gals
  10. Thanks guys, means alot coming from all of you
  11. No doubt, always use it to tie top and bottom leathers together, only time I use double of triple loop is for decorative stuff
  12. One I did this weekend. First time doing a two tone mexican round
  13. One note about undervaluing something in order to save the other guy fees, this will also limit the amount you can insure for, so if you send a $500 seat and list its value as $200 on the customs form, thats all your gonna get if the item disappears, nice to try and save the customer a few dollars but could bite you in the ass.
  14. Thanks Dave youre a lifesaver, gotta finish this seat tomorrow and needed the info Rick
  15. Can this be done? I got the two tone double loop down but would like to use a mexican round on this same project in the same colors
  16. Dont know if you can do anything but next time you may wanna try Satin Sheen, I switched for the same reason. Rick
  17. Troy, P.M. sent. Thanks Rick
  18. Kieth, I sent you a personal message. Thanks Rick
  19. Ive been asked to do a motorcycle seat with a suede inlay and a sheridan style carving around the perimeter. Ive gotten pretty decent in carving Sheridan style but really need some practice in design and layout. Im wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me out in this. Id be willing to pay. Its a solo seat and I could send you a template of the seat shape with the inlay area marked and would just need the Sheridan drawn in. Like I said Id be willing to pay as well aas give credit to the artist. Thanks Rick
  20. Id been getting Zack Whites Bull Hides for a couple years and they were consistantly awesome, the last order I placed I recieved a e mail saying they were back ordered for an unknown time, I recontacted them to cancel because its kinda hard to give a customer a wait time of indefinate length and was told that they were having trouble getting the hides from the Mexican tannerry that they were dealing with. About a month after I called and got a couple more, this time I was less than satisfied, the only thing that resembled the past hides were the clean pasted backs, they were uneven in color and far from clean, loaded with wrinkles and stretch marks, i'll be going back to kevin for the Hermann Oak.
  21. Thanks Max, yeah the more I use it the more I like it just wish it came in bigger bottles than the $10 pints
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