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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Keep it up it looks good. Maybe I'lll get the guts to make something like this one day.
  2. Yup, and now you have another thing you are good at.
  3. I'd say pat yourself on the back. This is something that, with all the stuff I've made thus far, I haven't made a watch band. And this one looks good.
  4. Yup. This is a cool wallet. I like the layout and surely the skeleton.
  5. Beautiful work as always. They must be sooooo happy with it despite the timing.
  6. Spider

    forest lord mask

    mask makers ball sounds awesome. This mask is cool. I use a hair dryer to speed up the process of drying. Or else it would take forever. You can even use the cool setting. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s184/gs...08/DSC00092.jpg
  7. Oh yeah, very nice. I put Fiebings Aussie Leather Conditioner on everything to seal it.
  8. Marlon, I think it is awesome that we see current work of such tallented artists like Peter Main. That said, I think we should also use it as an insparation and a goal to where we might want to be if that is the type of work we decide we want to do. None the less, Awesome work. P.S. Marlon, where's your stuff?
  9. Anne, Keep your chin up girlie. You are a great artist and we all know that. I'm sure you will find something. Even if in a different field.
  10. I give you many compliments for your wallets. You deserve the famous..
  11. I Love these. The Rawness of them is awesome. Great job!!!
  12. Great inovative idea. YAY ROO!!! Another awesome project.
  13. Spider

    little masks

    You are amazing whatever you do. I love this style. They will look awesome with these on.
  14. Great looking pair Kevin. Love your creativity and construction.
  15. Thanks Tom and William, I have been making these fairly simple ones because I needed something to have pretty urgently for the last fair. Not to mention people like the more simple/inexpensive designs.
  16. the ones marked ***NEW*** http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s184/gsdls/Wallets/
  17. Decided to make a sheath for my knife. Took a cigar tube that was too small and cut it down and added my Spider touch. This was a quickie...
  18. Looks good Leathernut. I'd say put a frame around it. Your tooling looks cool but I think a cool frame will "box" it up better.
  19. Spider

    steampunk mask

    Roo, I love steampunk and I love this. OMG what a great creation. Good luck with the sale as I'm sure you will do fine.
  20. Nice and simple. Good lookin. I love chokers cause they...well....choke...lol
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