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Everything posted by rgerbitz
Thanks Alan that helps clear up a few things for me. Rob
They look really nice to me.
I've been using a combination of florist tape and athletic tape for my ground work that seems to work well. Both can be "moulded" slightly after having wrapped them on something. hope that helps.
I'm sorry I don't mean to highjack this thread, but I was hoping Alan might be able to say how he went about doing the interweave in that bosal. And for the strings to look that way when you are done are they relatively dry when you are working that knot. I agree with CharlieR the info Alan, Horsehair, and others have taken the time to post up here has been invaluable to me in getting started with braiding. Thanks abunch everyone! Rob "We cannot hold a torch to light anothers path without brightening our own" Annonymous
You could use string that hasn't been braided as a core. I did that on the last one, thought it worked out pretty good. Gave the bosal a more supple feel, than one that I had done earlier that had a twisted core in it. Dogs love braided rawhide work, everytime I start working with some they start drooling all over everything. So far they usually end up with the first attempt of most projects. There's my .02 Rob
Thank you HorseHair, I will try this with the next one. I did the first one the way the JustKen recommended and it work out good. The remaining hair is short enough that, the way you explained will work out better. And I am with you I believe that this will be my first and last project with human hair. I kind of shiver a little every time I touch it. Thanks again Rob
Thank you for the input everyone. I think I might try kens' way. If you have any pictures Ken I would like to seee them I think I understand you directions but some pictures may help, if it is not to much trouble. Rob
Thank you Mike but I think I may not have been clear on what I need to do. The hair isn't long enough to run through a hole and double over. So I am needing to make a kinda of plug out of it. I used super glue once to do this but that made the hairs very brittle and they broke away very easily. I am really looking for what type of glue would work best or another idea. Thanks again, Rob
A friend of ours son just recently got out of the hospital after having been there for a little over two weeks. He is 16 and came down with a damn near fatal case of bacterial menegitis. He had to be in a induced coma for five days and while under had to have some kinda of pressure release valves inserted into his brain. He is really into playing his guitar and had some really long hair to go with his hobby. As you can imagine the doctors had it all shaved off to do the surgeries. A friend of the families took the hair and washed it up and sorted it to length. His mom then brought it over to us and asked if we could make some shu flies out of it for him to keep. Which I agreed to because he is a really nice kid and we know the family. For some reason it's freakin me out a little to work with it. Anyways, I don't know how to get all the hair bound together to tie a nice knot around. It would seem that some type of glue, but not sure which would work best and how to get it all stuck together. Sorry this is all kinda of long winded but does anyone have any ideas how to go about making this into a shoo fly? Thank you all for your time, Rob
I have an uncle that when in his teens was doing some quick draw practice with a .22 pistol. To make his shots quicker he wood have it cocked before he'd draw. Well he hit the trigger before clearing the holster and shot himself in the thigh. Some how the bullet exited just above the knee. The funny part is that about 8 years later he did it again. Same gun, same entrance and exit holes. Hasn't picked up a pistol since. We still call him "Quick Draw McGraw".
Hey Darc, I know you have tried the moisture thing, but it sounds like your strings still have to much moisture in them. Or the blades aren't sharp or sit at slight angle that allows the strings to wedge up in there. Someone on here talked about setting their string in a garbage can with water in the bottom and let it sit for a day or so. I've been using that lately and really like the way the strings cut when I do that. I'll soak dry string for a half hour or so than hang it in the can for a day, depends what the temp is on how quickly the moisture will come up in the strings I've sped the process up some by letting a small space heater blow on the can for a while to warm up everything. Hope this helps Rob Gerbitz "Don't try to go through something bad and come out good... stop and start over." Ray Hunt
Thank you for putting those pictures up KAW. That is some gear anyone would be proud to have and use. What did you use for a core on the bosal? Rob
Would anyone know of any saddlemakers that live in Northern Illinois, eastern Iowa, or southern Wisconsin that wouldn't mind someone stopping by from time to time to watch them build saddles and pester them with questions? I can read books and watch all the videos in the world things just don't seem to register with me till I see someone doing it. Thanks for your time, Rob Gerbitz
Anyone know how to get the smell of skunk spray out of leather boots and or the inside of a pickup. Had a run in with a skunk today and if I cannot get the smell of skunk out of a few things the replacement costs could get a little steep.
I was talking to a farmer last summer and the only thing on his shirt in very,very small print was "Nosey little %$#er aren't you". He just about wet himself laughing when he caught me trying to read it.
The bosal will be used in a 2 rein rig, meaning the bosal will be used in tandem with a bit and bridle. And assuming that it is made well it will see almost daily use in all weather situations. It will not be a show piece, but a piece of working tack. So I am wanting to know which leather will last the longest and best. I don't mind the price, just want it to be right. Thank you roo4u Rob
Thank you all for your input. Rob
Which is the better leather for making a bosal Latigo or Roo? I would like to know everyones opinion before buying a side. Thank you Rob
From what limited knowledge I have on the subject, the knots on the reins are as you say to add weight. The appropriate amount depends on a few things. - Whether or not rein chains will be used - Depending on user do they like the weight closer to the bit or futher up the rein towards the hands. - the use of long buttons and ring knots and where they are placed puts the wieght at different places on the reins creating a different type of "feel" for the horse and rider. - of course if you are making the reins for someone who doesn't really know what "feel" is then just put the knots where ever you think they look the best. I have never braided reins myself before so I may or may not know what the .... I'm talking about. Your work looks well done, I hope to do as well some day, Rob Gerbitz
Don't work with much leather, do enjoy braiding with rawhide thou. Given the chance to relocate and I might find myself where I could sit out on the front porch and watch the sun set over the mountains while I do whatever the $*@% I please. Cattle and horses would outnumber humans 50 to one on any square mile within 40 miles of my porch. Not sure where that is just yet. Pretty sure that it is somewhere west of Illinois. Good luck with your search. Send us pictures when you get there. Rob
Welcome Dave, I to am from northern Ill. (center of the state just north of 80). Look forward to seeing more of your saddles. Rob
Very nice, was just looking at that in the encyclepedia the other day. Good work. Rob
I have been asked to make a bosal of roo or latigo that is very supple yet strong. (half in to 5/16 diameter) I would like some help trying to figure out what would be best to use for a core (twisted rawhide, braided rawhide, or rawhide string, or whatever else I am unaware of)? Which is the better material, roo or latigo? I would also like to know where to find some good roo, seidel gave me one place, and if I should get colored hide or stain it the color desired? If I should stain how do I do that? He wants his bosal to be a shade or two darker than the average bay horse. If latigo is best where is the best place to get it? I have asked alot and I prethank anyone who spends the time to help, Thank You Rob Gerbitz