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Everything posted by rgerbitz

  1. There is a nice clean look to the work you do, thanks for sharing. Rob
  2. You do some really nice work. How do you color your strings? Rob
  3. Certainly some work to aspire to.
  4. I'm not much of an electrician, but I think most electric motors can be rewired fairly easly to run in either direction. Maybe yours can't, don't know. Good luck, Rob
  5. Very nice Jake. Do you work anything into your rawhide when your finished as a protectant or something? And how do you go about making your nose buttons? Thanks for sharing, Rob
  6. Thank you horsehair and Mike, I guess I'll just leave it till it slips. Last hide took about two weeks to slip, I changed water about every other day but it still smelled pretty bad. I was hoping to find a way to get the hair off in two or three days if possible. Fits my work schedule alot better. And would cut down on the smell alot. Not that it bothers me so much, but my wife and here horses have a pretty serious aversion to it. Rob
  7. Before the "incident" somewhere on here a guy had put up a bunch of pictures of how he went about making rawhide using hot water to get the hair off. I just tried to do that today and so far.... no good. I can't remember who it was that did it that way but I would really like to find out what I did wrong and if it is possible to salvage any of what I have left. Any information on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Rob Gerbitz
  8. Every generation since the begining of man has looked down upon the next, read any history or biograghical account and men and women from every era of civilization have expressed concern about the next generations ability to lead forward. Some how we as species manage to be better as a whole with each passing day. There still are and will always be the type of folks around that can be depended on in any event. Its just that they are not noticed, they are busily tending to what is needed and has been asked of them to do. Should Uncle Sam knock on the door and ask for their participation they will immediately and without hesitation do what is needed of them, with honor. Americans are and always have been the type of folks that when called upon for help will respond with overwhelming enthusiasm, wether it be to help flood victims or fight a war. Regardless of the generation they come from. If you should ever loose faith in the generation that are up and coming, it is easily restored, simply spend some time with them and don't take what you hear and see in the media as fact as to what they are all about. Rob Gerbitz
  9. Where do you guys get those really fine grit sandpapers? Thanks Rob
  10. How do you all color your rawhide strings? What do you use, what would you never use again? Thank you for your time. Rob
  11. Good looking saddle, I like them simple.
  12. rgerbitz

    Roo Hide

    I'm thinking of making another bosal for my daughters pony, maybe around a 1/2 inch. I would like to try out the roo hide on it, but I've never used it before. Can you all give me some pointers on how, what, when, and where. Is it better to buy a hide and cut your own lace or buy the precut lace? How or what do you use to color the strings? Where do you get your Roo from? Is there anything else I should know about Roo before starting? I am also going to need to make some mecate reins sized up for the pony and rider where is a good place to come up with some paracord? Who knows maybe in couple of years she'll have that pony (Emma) straight up in the bridle. Thank you all for your time, Rob Gerbitz "The more you tell someone they are right, the smarter they think you are"
  13. Very nice, it looks to me that your abilities are improving rapidly. Rob
  14. rgerbitz

    Tool handles

    That's a cool looking knot, I've been practicing with it myself. I can't tell for sure, but it looks like maybe you need to go around one more time. Looks like some pairs still need split. Don't know correct me if I'm wrong. Rob
  15. Thank you for the pointers guys. Looks like I'm going to have to get some new tools before I go to far, oh darn. Rob
  16. What does Bryan's cutter look like and what is he getting for one? Thank you Rob
  17. Pretty slick looking work. Do you make your own rawhide and are those big knots multiple string knots or something else? Rob
  18. "Sweetie" asked me if I could make a 3 ring binder cover. I'm sure I can the only problem is I have no idea how. I would like to have it turn out with a western, vaquero type theme to it. Anyone have any suggestion as to how to procede. Thank you in adavance for your time and opinions Rob Gerbitz
  19. Charlie, I haven't been at this very long and don't have anything to compare to. All I have split so far has been rawhide. I have the high tech model that tandy sells. It seems to work fine as long as I get my moisture right. Like Mike I seem to have some trouble getting the paper thin rawhide though not a big concern at this point cause I don't care to make anything that is requiring thin hide. The one that Bruce was talking about with the extra roller sounds nice. Good Luck, Rob
  20. You might call it corn field county U.S.A. Here in North central Illinois. We live about 20 miles from any where that has more than a gas station and bar. Which most days doen't seem far enough. It is quiet, and the neighbors are friendly. We are near Tampico, Ill. Which is about 2 hours due west of Chicago, and 45 minutes from Iowa just to the north of I-80. I have enjoyed hereing and seeing where everyone else calls home. And if Horsehairbraider has a heated tack room I would be willing to rent it as a living space. Just kidding...maybe. The pictures probably belong in the "What's out your window" thread, but I'll stickem here because I'm here. Have a great day all, Rob Gerbitz
  21. Thank you all, Charlie, Laid out each braid is about 34 inches long or 17 inches form the bottom of the heel knot to the end of the loops which gives a rough diameter of about 3 inches when all buttoned up.
  22. That is exceptional, very cool. I made the mistake of showing my 4 year old who has her very own remuda, and she is pretty sure that she needs daddy to make few of those. Thank you for sharing Rob Gerbitz
  23. I've been trying to braid for about 3 years, give or take. I learned by reading Braiding Rawhide Horse Tack and The Encyclepedia of Rawhide and leather braiding. I also have Bryan Neuberts first video, very good. Rob Gerbitz
  24. Here are some hobbles I've been working on, not sure what to do with them. I had wetted them down and wrapped them up in a plastic bag when I went out to feed the other day and when I came back some of the red dye on the bag had bled off onto the hobbles. My bad. Pretty fancy rawhide dog chew. What do you think of the braiding.
  25. Nice looking outfits, who made the reatas Rob Gerbitz
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