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Everything posted by PANTHER

  1. Tina, That is just outstanding!! Great work as always. Panther
  2. Well done for a first project! It reminds me of the old west. Keep up the good work. Panther
  3. WOW!! That is bloody smart! You may not like the grey but it was the right color for this seat. It makes the skulls look wicked. Great job!!!! Panther
  5. pitman That is one sharp looking belt! Your son looks so proud with it on, as he should. Really nice job! Panther
  6. Nownow ClayB!! It took me days to talk her out of shape shifting and going after you for that one. She likes humans but she said to tell you, "don't push it...bub. you never know what I might show up as!!!!!!!!!"
  7. ClatB, WOW! Can I play with your legs? Those are just outstanding! Well worth the five years till they were finished. The thing I would have done about the leg straps is used leather straps covered in black rabbit fur with maybe two or three small tooled leather conchos down the center of them or just black tooled leather straps. Believe me though I'ed take them as is! Great job! Panther
  8. Hi All. Thanks again for your enthuseastic comments. Saaquatch---- I'll do my best to post more. I am working on two projects. Work keeps me really busy so don't have as much time as I'ed like to play with my leather. Spider, Casy Jordan ---- you'er good for my ego! Mstewart, Tom Swede ---- after I cut the skull I used a modeling tool to bring it out and as for the handle .... yep, made it up as I went along. Thanks all, again. It was nice of you all to take the time to let me know what you thought of my efforts. Panther
  9. That is over the top! Love it, Love it!
  10. First off....Thanks everyone for your positive comments and warm reception of my efforts. I used acrylics, oil dye and stain. Anything I thought would do the job. Toped it off with a few coats of leather sheen. I take this to work with me, so didn't want to get too far out with the design. But as my staff say, the only time you use the word normal with me is when you put 'NOT' in front of normal. Thanks again Panther
  11. Thank you all for the info. I thought I was doing something wrong. Panther
  12. Can you please tell me what it means? I seem to get it when i post. Thanks
  13. Hello and Welcome to the Forum
  14. Just a few pictures of my portfolio which was covered in fake plastic. The handel broke so instead of trashing it I decides to cover it in leather. Got lazy when it came to covering the handel so got out the lacing and just started wrapping. Got the design on the front from the net. The skull on the back is my very first skull and am rather pleased with how it turned out. Made a few mistakes but it's all a learning experance......right? By the way it is carved and tooled not just painted. Have a look.
  15. Go here www.clanbadge.com This is an outstanding program Bare with me a bit while I tell you about my encounter with it's inventer/programmer Must be over eight years now. Anyway friends asked me to design their wedding invitations because they weren't happy with the wedding planners designs. So under BIG time limit here. Searching the web for a program I could use rather than drawing, eracing, drawing etc. Came across the clanbadge web site, looked it over and knew this was what I needed. At that time he only had the first two fonts online. Now I had a problem because at that time he only took pay-pal and nothing else and to this day I do not do paypal, bad,bad experiance with them. So e-mailed him, explained why I needed his program asap and if he would except money order, certified check etc. About an hour later I get an e-mail from him with his address to send payment and get this...... a link to download his complete program! He doesn't know me from Adam, yet without payment he links me to his download and wishes me good luck. I got off my butt right then and there and sent payment by next day mail. Not only for his trusting heart but because this is one hell of a program and money well spent, I say get it if you do a lot of knot work. You won't regret it. I now have all his programs.
  16. Go to his web site if you really want to see a lot more of his outstanding work ---- petermain.com. He also has a couple of," how to" books you might want to check out. He really is a MASTER with leather!
  17. I got a fabric case for my laptop, ($10). It is padded. I too am making a leather case for it. I just got out my ruler,measured it and now have the pieces cut out. I clamped the parts togather and sliped my laptop in it and all seems to be well at this point. I haven't tooled it yet because I'm still refining my design. FYI, I got the padding and stiffner from Tandy and the fabric for the inside from a fabric store. It'll be a month or two before I post any pictures but I hope this helps you in making a pattern for yours.
  18. Yaklady and Kate, if you read thru the lessons you will see that he made the tiny feather while the BIG FEATHER was drying after he covered it with resist.
  19. Outstanding!! Does your scabbard have a wooden core? If so how did you make the wood core? I'm making a scabbard for one of my swords with a wood core and having a bit of a time getting it right. Don't worry about your english, your outstanding work speaks for itself.


    I SECOND ALL THE ABOVE! Outstanding work.
  21. Cheers again all, Thank you all for your welcome and kind opinion of my work. As I have looked thru this site at all the outstanding craftsmanship, I am truly inspired to become a better leatherworker. Hope to post more of my work at a later date. Thanks again, PANTHER
  22. Cheers everyone, I'm somewhat new here. Joined just before the big crash. I'm engaged in a lot of art forms. Some of which include computer modding, airbrushing, polymer clay, penstripping and photography to name a few. I've now added leatherwork. So here is my first major project for your critique.
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