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Everything posted by PANTHER

  1. Bloody well done! Love the black and red. Post more pictures of your work and Welcome to LWN! Panther
  2. WOW!!!! EXCELLENT looking rig. I just like everything about it. Job well done. Panther
  3. The strap is so very nice and your lacing is spot on including the color. Panther
  4. Great looking stuff as always. Do you make your own tools? Would love to see a photo of them when you get a chance. Panther
  5. That is way cool!! I'ed say you got the better end of that deal. Would your friend be intrested in making making another for a price of course? Please let me know. Panther
  6. letherrookie, That is a nice looking belt. The buckle set gives it just the right bit of class. Job well done. Panther
  7. Truly an outstanding seat and your laceing, as always, is stunning! Panther
  8. This is my contribution to the steampunk style, my laptop case. It's a lot of fun and have a few things in the works in that style with my leather. PANTHER
  9. BB Very nice indeed! I am never a fan of makers stamps being part of the design because most of the time thay don't flow with the design. However, IMHO you did a very good job incorperating it into the design on the cuffs. Panther
  10. There is free measurement converter software on the web which will help you convert cm to inches or any other measurement you want, just google and you have your pick. Hope this helps. Panther
  11. I love everything about the case. You did an outstanding job...and what a great marketing tool. Gets them interested before the case is even opened. Nice, very nice!! PANTHER
  12. Very nice! Please be sure to post pictures when the rig is finished. PANTHER
  13. Congrats on the win. I like the style.....clean not overly done. Panther
  14. Bob, Just OUTSTANDING!!! Thank you for posting. Panther
  15. Love the design and the use of the embossed belt. Nicely done!! PANTHER
  16. You did a great job on the bag. I really like the yellow stitching with the natural tan. Nice job!!!! PANTHER
  17. I second Caseys remarks. Well done. Keep it up and post your work as you do it. Would love to follow your progress after such a wonderful start. PANTHER
  18. David, The seat has an elegance about it that is truly wonderful.And I believe it is due to your outstanding lacing. I think they got more than what they asked for. Outstanding!! PANTHER
  19. Thanks 50yl, that was fun! And the same to you PANTHER
  20. Well for what it's worth, her site is no longer on the web and hasn't been for some time. Who knows..........
  21. Hello and Welcome Conny, Please don't feel like we don't care but I think you'll find that so close to the Christmas holiday most are just trying to finish that last leather project(gift) so they can head off to whichever relative is having the Christmas bash this year. We here at LW really are a friendly group. SO WELCOME AGAIN and Happy Holidays and New Year. Panther
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