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About Maeshin

  • Birthday 02/03/1987

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  • Interests
    Leather (obviously), anime, beledi, psychology, physiology, Dungeons and Dragons, renaissance festivals

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  1. I bought some black roller buckles from Ohio Travel Bag the other day (1"). I wasn't too impressed with the quality, but they looked the same as the ones in the link above.
  2. Awhile back (maybe half a year) I bought a few hundred steel rivets with gunmetal plating. They were a very pleasant, dark metallic grey in color, and I became rather fond of them. Unfortunately, I neglected to keep a record of where I initially picked them up and now that I've run out, I cannot find any more of them anywhere I was hoping someone might be able to direct me towards some rivet suppliers (double-capped). Thanks!!
  3. Ring post http://www.wwlhardware.com/rings-loops-tiedown.html This site has a lot of BDSM stuff, including these. Lots of other cool hardware, too.
  4. To PM Johanna, just click on "My Controls" (upper right-hand corner of this page), then click on "compose new message" (left-hand side of that page). Under "recipient's name" type "Johanna". Then, in the message box, just ask her to unlock the adult board and you should be all set. We look forward to seeing your work ^__^
  5. Looks nice ^_^ I particularly like the pouch in the front. Unusual design. ^__^
  6. I like it ^_^ It is very crisp!
  7. Very well done ^_^ I particularly like the veins in the webbing. Nice attention to detail!
  8. Phantom ^_^ looks nice, and I agree with Scouter -- those eyes are great!
  9. Well, the outfit really is meant to be worn over normal clothes (at least that's how I wear it ^_^). My that would be revealing, lol ^_^ I'm not sure how well a male model would work for it...hmm...don't know what I'd do about the boobies. The tan would be refreshing though, she tends to blind me when the flash goes off >.< Thanks ^_^ I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you the breakdown of BDSM outside of the naughty section c.c but you can always google it ^_^ Sorry, I'm not much good with cameras If you could tell me what angles you wanted to see it from I would do my best to oblige you ^_^
  10. Thanks ^__^
  11. Excellent masks ^_^ I'm still partial to the pointy demonish look with the long spikes on top and bottom (such as in the first), but they are all really lovely, particularly that last one! How long did it take you to make it?
  12. http://www.eleatherworks.com/home.php?cat=687
  13. Awww! That's so sweet! I'm sure she must love them! ^__^
  14. Maeshin

    couple more masks

    They look very nice ^_^ Maybe some spikes over the eyes and down the bridge of the nose? I think that would look cool.
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