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Everything posted by taintedelephant

  1. It appears that I think better in leather than in paper, so for small projects, I just pick up my tools and start cutting. When something I like comes out I scan it and then open it in Photoshop, and trace it out on a separate layer, discard the background and save it as a pdf. You could also do this with a photo copier and a marker. Does anybody else do something like this? watch pattern web.pdf
  2. So the problem isn't as bad as I made it out to be, but I just don't like the compromises I have to make for adjustability. Biggun, I like your idea of the filler, and I thought about a belt keeper and discarded it, I think I'll give it a try and see how I like it before I throw it out completely.
  3. I haven't even been near downtown in so long, I didn't know such a place existed, I might just go check it out on my days off.
  4. I've been playing around with multi size bracelets, so far I am not thrilled with most results, because of the tail left over from when they are sized all the way down, and the idea that I will have leftover snap parts (but I've been thinking about making covers for the extra snaps). so far I like buckles the most followed by snaps, then button studs or "jeans" Buttons. how does everybody else handle this? I just might stick to single size bracelets, If I don't find a method that I like.
  5. I like the stitching better, but I don't like the name or the dye job, I have since built (if you can call clamping 2 pieces of wood together building) a jig for name stamping. Any way George was thrilled. Good thing my friends aren't as picky as me.
  6. I remade it last week, and went with a thinner material, and spaced the snaps at 9.5" on center. as soon as I figure out how to attach pictures to a reply I will. I always measure my holes on center, as apposed to from outside edge to outside edge or inside to inside. I assumed that that would make it so the diameter of the hole would have no affect on the measurement, but I could be wrong about that.
  7. That's the story of my life, I seam to have ADD with occasional bouts of OCD. I get out every toy in my toy box and drop them where I finish with them until I don't have any room left to play, then I organize them until everything has a place, and everything is in it's place. Once it is all pretty I go get more toys and start all over.
  8. I made this one for a friend of mine. I made so many mistakes on it I'm going to start over. I wanted to put 2 size 16 snaps on it but it is too thick for them to go on so I think I'll put a single size 20 on it instead. also I keep making the same mistake with sizing, does anyone have any guidelines on how to size a bracelet? If I measure a wrist at 8.5 inches I figure 9 inches between snap holes should be enough, but It seams to small, I wont know till he comes around to try it on. I just don't want to make it to loose either. I'm actually thinking about making a tape measure out of a piece of 8 oz strap so I can just avoid this kind of guessing. any other input is welcome also.
  9. A little gift for my friend Dov.
  10. There is a discussion of photography on here. I haven't looked at yet but it may be some help. I used to be a big fan of diyphotography.net they have gotten kinda crappy lately, but there are a lot of posts on product photography. For the shiny bits you would benefit from getting your flash(or other light source) off camera, and getting or making a light box. You can get a light box really cheep, that folds up like a car wind shield shade. I really like that red choker in the first picture.
  11. I've read in a few places that it was wax, but don't know for sure. Winterbear, what is your personal experience with using sonitube? I like your paper idea.
  12. The most notable part of Stairway can be found in Taurus by Spirit, and other elements can be found elsewhere. many of those elements probably were likely present in classical and or forgotten forms of music. I'm not saying that the artists stole those elements, or were not creative and talented. it's the execution that matters most. the pattern, stories, music are recycled, but the performance and arangement is legendary.
  13. I've said this about all forms of art, "it's all been done before". from movies to photography, painting, all the way back to cave paintings, there are no truly original ideas, that is why you have to put your own little or big touch of style on whatever you do. I recently designed a couple of front pocket wallets to meet my own needs, I would hope that they are one of a kind, but i'm sure if I did enough digging I would find a pattern someone made in 1945 that looks just like mine. I know that the pattern came out of my head, and I know the finished product will look different than theirs. str8line, and brazos What do you think about using a kit as a pattern? just for personal use. With the price on some of those things, its enough to buy a pattern, and all the materials 2 times over.
  14. I can't stand those plastic clam shells. once I mark the sizes on this one it will be much better, but if I used them a lot I would want a different design. The ones I made for my setters, and stamping tools are like envelopes, and are very convenient..
  15. snubbyfan Is it always that neat and tidy? I have to take what I call a dance break every once in a while, and "reset" my work space. Otherwise I can't find what I'm looking for, because every tool I own seams to be spread out on the bench.
  16. I like to make little pouches for my small tools that come in sets. They come in little boxes, but I just don't like them, and making tool pouches gives me a chance to practice designing, and working on the skills I need to make things that need to be a little more polished.
  17. Thanks, if I cant find any that way, I'll pick up some sonitube, unless someone thinks the coating on it could cause problems.
  18. I can picture your vault perfectly, it's a great idea, wish I had the space, and the funding to fill it.
  19. Gifts are my excuse for spending right now, I have to come up with a new one soon. I got a good deal on a couple of sides, between that and the remnants I got that should keep me in leather for a while.
  20. Just brainstorming out of left field, but what if you rough up the grain, then add an acrilic finish with a crackle additive and then a second coat without the additive. it wouldn't be the same, but it might be cool.
  21. I'm going to put that on the cuffs on the right, as soon as I get brave enough, I think I'm almost there. What kind of tube, cardboard? Where did you get one big enough?
  22. Wish I could get a tan from light bulbs. I was going to ask about light bulbs, I'm going to tack something over it. That also gives me an idea, to make some sort of a mask, or even a high contrast black and white negative, and do that intentionally.
  23. Thanks guys. It doesn't help me any that one of my other hobbies is tool acquisition, or that I always get the idea that I can build specialty tools either cheaper or better than I can buy them. Any way I'm afraid to do the math on my purchases. Halitech. I wanted to hang it flat, but I just didn't have the space on that wall, I need a bigger place. Dwight, Have you tried painting, photography, or wood working? I got carried away with all of those just not as fast as leather.
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